Application to be Auto entrepreneur

I'd had one for years too but it still took the rsi a year to change it, not a problem as my cpam one still worked! I'm with neither of those you mention and with réunica should I ever take anyone on.

I've had the carte vitale for years now, so wasn't a problem. The two companys that wrote to me were Vauban Humanis and Malakoff Médéric who say they are the two groups for my département designated by AGIRC-ARRCO.

summed the situation up Louise and you've been very lucky with the speedy carte vitale. I'm with prévadiès-campi who are fine for the insurance side of things. Yes nothing else to do until you need to declare your first quarter's activity and that's easy to do on line or using the paper version.

After receiving my siret number (which came nine days after my online application), I received a Memento Fiscal from th Direction Générale des Finances Publiques and a Notification d'affiliation au Regime Auto-Entrepreneur from the URSSAF which tells me that I should expect a document telling me the standard rate I should pay for my activity. They suggest I make declarations and payments on line at As far as I can see I don't have to do anything yet until the end of the present trimester. However, it seems I have to choose a caisse de retraite complémentaire within three months and have received letters from two insurances about this. Not sure which one is good. I already have a carte vitale.

the rsi should send you an apllication form where you will need to include Shaun's details too so he's covered, not sure how quickly they'll do it but as you've gathered the whole process takes ages before you get your carte vitale, I can't say how long as it seems to depend from area to area, my new one took about a year, others have talked about a couple of months, others over a year...!

Brilliant. Many thanks Andrew. I like to make sure I'm doing everything 'legit' and all the bureaucracy scares the heck out of me in case I miss something. Would my carte vitale be issued automatically (at some very distant time in the future probably) after I start declaring? I'm not bothered about me, just if anything happens to Shaun.

sorry i just wrote a really long reply and sfn only posted the first line of it!!! No, you're not missing anything, no need to wait for a few docs through the post. You're up and running as soon as you have your siret n°, the rest is just detail - no need to access the urssaf site to do business anyway, I didn't access it for a couple of years as I used the paper déclarations. if you're unsure about anything, especially letters, just scan it and post it here and one of us will be able to help and advise ;-)

Hi Valerie, as soon as you're registered

Hi Andrew - quick question

I registered and received my SIRET but it isn't recognised on the URSSAF site - I queried and they said I need to wait for documents. Do you know what I should be receiving and whether this means I'm not yet 'activated' to work?

Gillain, the scheme is a real doddle compared to all the other options available and yes it's instant, fill in the application form on the official site (no need to go through some one and pay for the service, watch out there are loads of sites that look official but aren't!) and you get your siret and siren numbers very quickly and can work pretty much straight away. What does take time is the carte vitale or the new one if you already have one but the old one still works while you're waiting for the new one. I've been AE since it was launched in 2009 teaching and translating and although there were some problems at the start, most have been ironed out and most URSSAF now know what the rules are and how it works (far from the case to begin with!) Don't pay anything direct to the rsi - they are likely to send you all the standard demands for contributions which everyone else has to pay but that AEs don't - you pay everything through the urssaf based on turnover (you can't deduct expenses, that's done automatically later on your tax return) who then distribute the money accordingly. It really is a super simple scheme, bonne chance ;-)

it all sounds really complicated-I am thinking of making an application so that i can work. I am yet another English teacher witha TEFL qualification. I have been advised that this is the only way to be employed. I have also been told it can take up to six weeks to gain the status. However I have also been told status is immediate but it can take a while for the certificate. Any comments would be greatly appreciated as I am beginning to lose my mind!

mine have always been automatic up until now, my OH is the same and she's salaried.

Do you have to apply for a rebate if you have overpaid? I looked on the French government impot site which leaves me with this impression.

sounds good ;-)

I have chosen quarterly payments as monthly seemed too frequent. Don't know how much I'll be earning especially to start with.

yep as I said earlier, mine is lumped in each quarter - that way everything is dealt with in one go and I get a rebate at the end of the year. I didn't have the choice as I registered back in 2009 and you had to opt for it to get out of taxe professionnelle (well I could have in teh end because they changed the rules!!!) for three years.

well, do you want to pay your taxes / charges as you earn? or at the end of the year? - do you have a husband who is earning too? much? got kids?

If you aren't going to earn that much and hubby neither... and you have 2 kids... then don't pay monthly... as you are likely to get money back at the end of the year anyway... make sense?

It was at the outset but as far as I'm aware it isn't anymore - typically French. and in the midst of all, that various politicians (PS) want to scrap the scheme completely, Hollande being one of them so watch this space!

So it is not that important if I choose this option or not?

you had to be at hte outset in 2009 but when it kicked in for those who weren't the governement gave in and let everyone have the three years if I'm not mistaken - I'll have a look...!

yep, have a look at this :