Carte de sejour Nigella's dad and I are applying!

it is not so much not getting involved but making our thoughts of the snippets we get to know over the full facts and just attacking people.

If he was a member of this group and was being attacked like he has been across Facebook and here, admin would have to deal with that.

Maybe I have not read every post on this subject with great care but has Mr Lawson been attacked?
I can recall what attack is about because it has happened to me!
Attack is word associated with war and not related to reason or trying to understand the reason why?

this is a verbal attack.

same sort of thing you also complain about when you feel attacked and yes you have used the term “attacking me” on this forum in the past.

He is not here to defend himself either.

Why did he vote brexit? Do you have a full understanding of why he chose to use his “Personal vote” to vote leave. Do you know why he chooses to live here? Please if you do know these facts, enlighten me, I would love to know the full facts.

No I am asking
I think actually that you are attacking me…and not defending Mr Lawson.

Nigel Lawson is no longer exactly a private person though, is he, and as an ex-chancellor of the exchequer and vocal brexit campaigner there is a certain inconsistency (or indeed hypocrisy) in his view that people should not have freedom of movement to come and live and work etc in GB while availing himself of that right to live in another EU country.
He is demonstrating that there are deux poids deux mesures, ie one rule for the haves and another for the have nots, so at the risk of being deemed to be attacking him I say he’s a frightful old creep and his ghastly attitude stinks. And I don’t feel sorry for him at all as I expect he has (deservedly) heard worse in the commons.


his vote is a personal vote and his choice to live here is a personal choice.

Im guessing you know the full reason for his personal choices as well then vero.

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no I am attacking your choice of words, not attacking you. If I was attacking you it would be directed at you personally, say for instance, (this is an example) How could you choose to allow such a vile person eat in your restaurant?

I am by far not defending him. I am saying everyone has a right to choose what they vote and where they live. He may well be a hypocrite but we do not know the full reasons behind anything, they are all his personal choices.


Well said, Véro. Lord Lawson makes use of every opportunity he can engineer to scorn scientific opinion on climate change, and to impugn the integrity of scientists who produce evidence of global warming trends. All of us who stick our necks out to air our personal biases and show off our weakness in argument risk getting our overdue come-uppance, me and Nigella’s Dad both… :zipper_mouth_face:

Enough relativism, there are limits. His personal reasons may be relevant, they may not, we don’t need to know in order to judge.
I know a dodgy old git when I see one.


I know closed minded, judgemental ass hats when i see them too but I do not judge them before I know the facts.

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I can think of much worse than him in the has been stakes still holding forth. The War Monger The BLIAR the worst of them all. Why is he not in jail by now or at least on trial in the Hague?

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You have no idea what or ( perhaps more relevant) who I know, Harry. :wink:

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So glad you’ve said goodbye Ian as your comment about the European flag offends me - I’m a very proud European and am so glad that you don’t live in France and benefit from all it has to offer as an integral part of Europe :eu: :eu: :eu: :eu: :eu:

Troll alert!

Crikey it feels like I’ve been transported back to medieval times - or maybe even Neanderthal ? Anyway - looks like the high blood pressure tablets didn’t run out after all :wink: or…maybe that was just a hissy fit moment… :handbag::handbag::handbag:

Ian where did you come from …
I am “blinkered”?
Why because I respect France, because I have made a success with my life in my own way,
Angry on occasion when people attack .
You sound a bit cross. Am I tredding on the Tory toes?

Wish that they would stop because it is pointless and so bad for the heart all this My old pall Michael winner would say “calm down it is only a commercial.” Yes calm down.

same goes for you Vero.

End of the day unless you have an insight into the mans mind and his wifes as this is aimed at her too, best to not say anything to avoid looking silly. End of the day no matter who or what you think you known it will always be third party information and not from the horses mouth or ass

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I find the tories every bit as disgusting at present as the liebore lot and the limp dems. If you read my other reply I think that you will find I cannot make it any clearer than that. I respect France that is why I live herewhywhy but I have NO RESPECT at all for clod junket and crew and why should I. They have done nothing to earn respect. I voted to go into the EEC, as it was then, for the trading aspect having been fooled by that pervert heath.