Carte de sejour Nigella's dad and I are applying!

I withdraw my comment then but why have my last couple of posts been removed.

When offensive posts are removed, the replies go too. Otherwise they would be orphaned/appear out of context.

OK, personally I wasn’t offended by his posts. Not impressed, but not offended.

i think the people he was aiming his nasty comments at are the ones that would have been offended.

Fair point.

He wasn’t actually adding anything to the debate so not much of a loss.

Britain really has performed so badly since 1975.

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im sorry i do not understand ted heath comment…

We are talking about the person that got banned from the forum for their rather nasty attitude.

Apologies Harry - the person in question called Ted Heath “that pervert” so when you explained that the people his comments were aimed at were those that would have been offended I attempted an advanced “dad gag” that has appeared to have fallen flat.

To make matters worse I deleted the original (which was a reply to the thread) and tried to reply to your comment but could not as it was too similar to my original comment :slight_smile:

Oh well :blush:

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hahaha not to worry, i do not really follow bollotics so im not very up on who is who. or who has been and whos been doing what

You can just ignore the “too similar” warning; I think.

Liberal Party. Only Remain party.

Are they still going?

Not really - they will only go as far as guaranteeing a 2nd referendum.

Someone else said it, Brexit really is a case of the Emperor’s New Clothes - no-one, across the entire political spectrum, has the balls to say “this is stupid, we are going to stop it”, even though everyone knows that to be true - even Brexiteers agree the process is in disarray, the rest of us think it is insane.

The liberals per se?  - apparently yes but not, I think, in a meaningful way - just a tiny handful of councillors.

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People I know who voted to go are experiencing all the problems which Brexit faces…little by little it is all becoming apparent and unpleasant. But none of the politicians have the courage to stop all this mess and allow UK to remain contented and safe.
That is why I am upset by politicians and yes I do find them annoying.Should I not be allowed to think this way. They created the whole thing and made it one big power game.

Whilst this type of attitude still prevails in the UK - I’m afraid the country is doomed… :frowning:

Except the UK isn’t a contented and safe place otherwise the result would have been much different.

Such ignorance!

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I agree, and it’s just the tip of the iceburg…:rage:

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Resent is not a strong enough word.

I thought that immigration was one of the major factors that enabled the Brexiteers to win and now we find that the skilled workers which the NHS badly needs are being removed from the cap and foreign students will soon no longer be included in the figures.
There will also have to be amendments for seasonal agricultural workers, the majority of which come from eastern European countries, or our harvests will remain unpicked and any which do get picked will not be packaged.
It just shows that both those who propounded immigration and control of our borders and those who voted for them really did not understand the argument and that the Referendum was a total farce.