Damned COVID Statistics

I assumed Bob was a bot. Bot Williams. It read like the worlds worst poem and just kept repeating about “asking the 20,000,000” over and over like its algorithms had been written by someone in the Internet Research Agency in Saint Petersburg 5 minutes before it was time to clock off for the days so they did a half arsed job. Definitely some bad AI.


Think Macron has it dead right, either have vax and enjoy most freedoms, though it is going too be a bit tedious showing digital pass for hospitality, or no vax and have to provide a recent negative test before all and every social event.
Simple principle and good basic concept rule.


You’re just ranting now. Must be very bad for your blood pressure.


I’m not sure why you replied to me with that, I think you meant to send it to Dr Brian May CBE.

“Anti-vax people, I’m sorry, I think they’re fruitcakes”


Thanx for your concerns about my blood pressure…
i have the heart rate of a whale…
you are insulting tho…
why is my post a rant, while all others you agree with are not?

if you’re jabbed, good luck… i really don’t give a monkeys… your life… just get on with it…
my position on the jabs is none of yours, nor others business…
unless i am displaying obvious indications of being a risk to others…

You might like to read

and this


I have skim read the mostly imaginary world of Covid 19 in France with some amusement and dismay in fairly equal quantities. When a pandemic rages, the situation changes all the time and you need a clear calm voice, that has nothing to gain from politics, loony headlines or biased TV reports. Since January 2020 we have been watching the You Tube videos of Dr John Campbell, being amazed how many of his forecasts were correct and trusting thoroughly his myth busting. We are not alone in watching his videos (1798 videos but not all about Covid) and 1,07 Million subscribers. He is a retired Nurse Teacher and A and E nurse based in England. He also does some teaching in Asia and Africa.

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Ken, I also like Dr John. His hypothesis around inadvertent intravascular administation of the vaccines would be a true breakthrough, and a relatively easy solution i.e. just re-training those giving the vaccines (or get everyone to the gym to build up their deltoids :muscle:).

It just goes to show there are many many people working tirelessly to get us all through this challenge.

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I personally saw no insult… but if you have an issue with a post, the correct thing to do is flag it for the Team to investigate not have a go yourself.
If you are uncertain about how you do that, click on the 3 dot icon beneath the post concerned image and then on the flag icon image and the Team will be alerted to it.

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I would hope that the primary level was that I have a sense of humour and on occasion try to lighten the mood with a bit of gentle joshing, and that whatever else is going on I try not to take myself too seriously. Also another level is hopefully that Brian May remains an absolute and adorable fuzzy haired icon, not least for his no doubt genuine kind words about that awful cretin Clapton.

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It is a fact that the virus spread is greatly increased but not exclusively by people who decide nor to have a vacination, so is it not reasonable therefore to restrict activity of refusers.
Secondly do you nor have a social conscious about the possibility of contributing to its spread given how ill/die suffers are, and the stress of medics having to pick up the pieces.
I absolutely respect your right not to have a vaccination, but just don’t moan if that right comes with conditions!


The second half of your last sentence is very well put.

I used to think the one thing that was easy to compare was the level of deaths but actually it isn’t. If you look at the French site they refer to deaths in hospitals and sometimes those in EHPADs but never mention deaths at home. The UK use of deaths within 28 days of a test creates other anomalies, as it could include those run over by a bus. It is probably safer to look at trends

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That has always been the case and not just in France.

The best measure for the true impact of Covid would be excess deaths I’d assume.

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Over a period of time it may be, but there have been spells on UK data when the figure has been negative even though there were covid deaths. For example lockdowns reduced flu deaths and road accident deaths, so in one sense the excess deaths were not necessarily a true picture of those dying from covid

even that can be fraught with difficulties Tim.

Thats bollix, several trials have taken place but in the case of so many highly transmissible diseases is the spread is faster than the slower treatment so ineffective at reducing the numbers. I listened to some of the American doctors rubbish this afternoon, no wonder most people are not listening.

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OK, so who are doing the trials…
if a week on a pill reduces a stay in dock, then that is a quick fix… rather than hoping a jab will lessen an infection?
dose u everyone in dock and most walk out in days is a fix?
but we won’t let bolix get in the way of real tests, on real humans up shit creek in dock?

Someone already posted a list of trials - thousands of them (what’s with the AnonXXXXXX thing anyway).

But FFS surely this is a case where prevention is better than cure?


Did the trials, they failed to make a real impact on numbers so the spread would have continued and the results were not good enough to make a big impact. The greatest results were gained from the vaccines

Obviously the wise after the eventers have now got more time to examine possible alternatives as the reductions in both spread and severity for those sensible enough to have taken some action, whilst elsewhere in the world we watch mutations cause yet more harm because insufficient vaccines were available to help.

Thanks Billy, saved me a load of writing!