Disappointed in French vaccine progress

Can you please supply the relevant links so we can all be as well informed as your good self and make up our own minds.

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I don’t do FB!


The 2020 figures are only provisional Donna.

No consolation to those whose family members or friends have died. It kills people of all ages.

Oh stop it, don’t be silly.


I thought I had heard the name before…

She stated that

Lockdown and social distancing is not needed to stop the spread of the virus, she said. People who recover are then “immune for life” after 10 days and deaths and illnesses could have been prevented by extra vitamins, she claimed.

People with underlying health conditions, such as cystic fibrosis, could freely engage in society during the pandemic after spending a few weeks building up their immunity in this manner, she went on.

Opposing vaccinations, Ms Cahill said “politicians and the media” are using Covid-19 “as a fear-mongering propaganda tool to try and take away rights from people and to make them more sick and to force vaccinations on us.”

Delores Cahill

Delores Cahill 2

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Yeah, right, tell that to my relative’s grieving widow and kids.

I wouldn’t take anything Dolores Cahill says as fact,

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She’s a quack and has been slated on here before. I prefer to listen to the vast majority of the scientists who say the opposite to her.


Are you related to Donald Trump? Spout the same sort of pseudo-science nonsense.


Yes it’s people like her that should be offered a job as an auxiliary in a covid ICU unit or covid morgue for a week with no PPE or face mask and watch her run a mile, after all she would not catch anything as it is all a hoax according to her isn’t it.


And presumably has no friends or relatives and lives in isolation…Everyone else knows people whose lives have been affected by it.

@Donna_Mickleburgh - you were previously asked to remove a post before posting again. Please do so or your membership will be revoked. Thank you.


Please evoke my membership from this forum since freedom of speech and opinion is void. Obviously any questioning or opinion other than the official narrative is fruitless, go get your vaccination. Yes I would work in a ICU unit without PPE and be fine. Sars covid 2 is NOT a killer virus, no more than the flu, which appears to have been eradicated this year!
Evil reigns where good men do nothing.

Please stop spreading disinformation.

None of that (or anything else you have posted) is true.


Don’t drink water ever again Donna, everyone who drinks water ends up dying!!


I sincerely hope that this article is incorrect !

Over 500 now!!