Dover congestion

I suspect that those who can’t heat their homes and those travelling to France have a very small intersection on a Venn diagram.


Most of those people are not typical of those who can’t afford to heat their homes, buy food etc. They are mostly professional, two income,two car families with, in many cases holiday homes in France or french nationals going home for the easter break. The french are no different, holidays are sacrisanct regardless of affordability, they always manage to find the money somehow but only for the summer break now in many cases. I was once one of those fortunate people when it was actually cheaper to go to Europe for holidays than a week in Cornwall and property prices here to boot (our french house cost less than the car we had at the time!) This is the time of year for school trips in both directions too.

Should have offered them your big toe. Actually a good but now passed friend lost his thumb at his sawmill and made local news by having one of his big toes transplanted onto his hand. He said his hand was more important than being able to walk miles, it looked a bit odd but it worked.

Yes to both questions.

The only filtering is for the “something to declare” booth, & trucks are dealt with entirely separately.

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Thanks, as I thought, think I’ll stay put. :grinning:

Think of all the damage to your car with the state of the roads in the UK too! My niece had two tyres damaged in a month recently from deep potholes on dark roads, no comeback from council either.

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If the pothole has been previously reported (there are websites for reporting holes) then it’s possible to claim for damage, but otherwise not. We have claimed on one occasion.

The roads really are in a bad state now though, and patching just isn’t enough.


And getting worse in every heavy rainfall or overnight frost.

What is a frost when it’s at home :yum::grin::face_with_peeking_eye:

Ha ha :slight_smile:

A lot of them will be French as well going back from London to France for Easter… A lot UK cars on BF I have noticed in recent trips were driven by French and french families.

Equally applies to other EU nationals living in the UK.

I’ve never seen things so bad as they are now, though the worst roads are in Northampton where the council keeps running out of money.

It’s what we had last night here in Basse Normandie :frowning:

Not as many of them these days either…

We haven’t had a frost for around 6 weeks, but all the fruit trees are coming into bloom in the orchards, so if it’s anything like the last couple of years we will get a bad one now to kill of the blossom and crops :face_with_raised_eyebrow::roll_eyes:

We were a bit worried this morning, but it was apparently only a light one…

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FWIW, Cherbourg is no better, even if you come from Ireland, as there are a fair number of N.I. registered vehicles, as well as a few GB cars, coming through from Dublin, and as Ireland is not in Schengen, everybody gets stopped and there are no separate queues. There is work ongoing at Cherbourg though to “modernize” the control area between PFA and the customs, as at the moment it is a bit of a free-for-all, both coming in and going out.

Yep. Fruit trees in flower end of last week - 2 nights of heavy frost immediately follow. Every year …


Yes…bossom and heavy frost this morning :cold_face:

Any fruit that survives just falls during the 3 month drought anyway - just saves all the hope.