FRANCE Daily 2022, Passe, Vax, Travel (Update) etc

Saturday’s figures

Annual Vaccination ???

Sunday’s figures

Monday’s figures

Tuesday 5th April

and explanations from a slightly different angle

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Wednesday’s figures

Vaccination for the over 60’s who had the previous “booster” 6 months or more ago…
Just go and get it done… if you fit the bill… but it’s not obligatory.

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Absolutely. 3 weeks since my first symptoms now, and I’ve got nerve twitches and visual disturbances like a migraine, plus brain fog is back. It sucks, even with the ‘mild’ version caught after 3 vaccinations.


Thursday’s figures

Friday’s figures

More than 2 years down the line… many folk have “had enough”…

“Today, “social interactions are almost back to normal,” he says. “It happened gradually and it has amplified over the last three to four months, with the arrival of the Covid version Omicron, which many perceive - wrongly - as a bad cold”. What is observed globally is “a risk we have to get used to”, he explains. But if the French have become accustomed to living with the virus, it is not without consequences: several surveys have thus shown a “double or even threefold increase in depressive disorders” since the start of the pandemic, underlines Xavier Briffault, CNRS researcher and mental health specialist.”

Saturday’s figures

Sunday’s figures… mild ebb in contaminations, but slight increase in hospitalisations.

Monday’s figures

Hospital numbers on the increase

Tuesday’s figures…
seems it’s not going away…

No, it isn’t. I keep hearing of people I know having it, recovering and then just a few weeks later being reinfected. Our next door neighbour caught it 4 weeks after recovering, and she’s quite sick this time.

That’s Omicron for you, I’m afraid.

Wednesday’s figures…

looking for… hoping for… an annual vaccine…

Thursday’s figures

and a slightly different explanation…

Exactly the same for a friend of ours!

Yet another person in our village has “gone down”… and is feeling very, very poorly… despite 3 jabs. Phew… getting closer and closer to our door. :roll_eyes: