French citizenship for over 60

I do enjoy sending photos to my trans friends of all the transport lorries in this country. STOP TRANS always gets a thumbs down, TransIcon is very well received. Translogic is something we all agree is almost impossible to understand. Trans Cat is for the ones with the furries kink. :see_no_evil::rofl:


I would never miss the fun, it’s just trying to find the bit I wanted to read! A separate thread would have been great!

regards T

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And don’t forget Tranny Vans, courtesy of Ford. :wink:


In all honesty it’s not something I actually ever want to discuss myself, I just don’t feel able to see hateful terms used and nonsense ideas given and then glide on by. If people would at least keep their ignorance and idiocy to themselves there needn’t be any tangents like this at all, but seemingly due to the climate we live in at the moment far from being ‘cancelled’ or silenced people seem emboldened to say vile things, in this case about a lady who I’m sure is perfectly pleasant, while using a slur. None of the off topic stuff would have existed had one person not felt able to say something hateful, possibly due to the echo chambers they exist in where things like that are celebrated, and think it’s OK, when actually it’s not.


Both my vans here have been ‘trannys’.

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There is one here:

There used to be no language requirement for the over 60’s but that was changed in France a few years ago and the requirement is now to B1 standard IIRC.
@JaneJones I think is the most recent member to have gone through this process so I’m sure she can address any specific questions you might have…

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Bored with this now. Thank you all for the entertainment. I’ll pipe down now and call my friend Tim who started this thread - strangely he comes from Brighton and is none of the mentioned categories. BTW, I’ll let Eddie Izzard know that he’s not a Tranny!

On topic, I still doubt that you will be asked to face an exam despite what the legislation says.

A very good evening to all,

Tu racontes n’importe quoi, Glenn, it’s a requirement for everyone and part of the dossier put together for naturalisation.


You are an odd bugger, Glen, almost like you live in a parallel universe. Maybe you can take the boy out of Brighton but you can’t take Brighton out of the boy. :wink:

Absolutely not! Not only do you have to have either taken a recognised certificate exam or a diploma (or two years’ of masters level education in a French Institution) but you have to have the actual certificate.

Your results sheet does not do it, and from another group I am in I know of several people who have had their dossiers returned for this reason, and will have to re-submit.

This is now an absolute fundamental requirement. So please don’t circulate inaccurate information, which has the potential to waste people’s time and money. Just because it didn’t happen to you when you acquired nationality (presumably a dossier submitted before august 2020), doesn’t mean that this applies now.


utter drivel :roll_eyes:
and you didn’t answer the question about whether it was a CdS you were helping your friend with either. not citizenship… being such an expert on these matters, I’m sure you know the difference.


Only talking from experience - maybe I was blessed!
Im so glad that you all appreciate me in my parallel world - its nice and cosy here and not prickly at all…

Must be planet asshole

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You are talking from a complete lack of understanding of the changes in the requirements. I very much doubt you were blessed, just a certain age and at a certain time. But if you are unable to recognises that things change that is sad as you will be left behind in your self absorbed bubble.

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More likely ‘touched’ as my mum would have said.


What a spiteful lot you can be, and poor Mark struggling with manners….pot, kettle, black?
All water off the ducks back, however.
Best we leave it there before it gets nasty.

I’ve been a Tranny owner driver for coming up 50 years, had loads of them and loved um all. Couldn’t bare to be without my tranny when I retired so now our camping car is a Tranny.

Maybe I am splitting hairs here but it was not suggested the *** wife was the wife of anyone in particular except a president and it was left to the readers to make their own interpretation of it. Anyone not familiar with the article you have highlighted, would not know who the poster was referring to. Just a thought I had.

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You do know that La Pen would remove a lot of rights, including health care, social security benefits and others from people who have acquired citizenship? For her to be French you have to be born French. Frankly you are either a provocative troll, an arrant knave, a fool or all three.

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