Fuel crisis in France - Update

Might be some useful links…

I read about this a couple of weeks ago. I think it was in the Shropshire Star. Obviously without the useful info.

A good excuse not to waste fuel going shopping more often than you need to. Every year we are held to ransom over these blockages, cannot remember when it didn’t happen to be honest. Just hope they resolve the issues soon before someone dies.

The crisis, itself, is not new… but it’s not going away/getting better…
The links on where to find fuel are up to date (as they can be)

It does make me feel very sorry for folks who rely on their cars for relatively long journeys, or perhaps having to make journeys due to health/medical conditions.


that’s why folk are being asked not to fill-up just for the sake of it… :wink:

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Don’t think I’ll be filling mine for a while as have been doing the shopping and local trips on the electric bike which, so far, has worked out really well :+1: but the weather is still pretty fine :grin: Winter could be a whole new ball game though but let’s see :thinking:

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it’s been a bit like folk stocking up on toilet rolls, coffee, mustard or whatever panic is going on… causes problems all round.

Exactly, and the moment the media start ramping up the scaremongering it seems that the behaviour kicks off exponentially! Crazy, and takes me right back to being in the UK during the height of covid and seeing folks stack shopping trollies like they were going into hibernation for the next couple of years - barmy, but many folks just panic with the smallest hint or wiff of a problem :roll_eyes:

Imagine what all those ‘preppers’ have been doing in the US since Mr Putin invaded.

Why am I having this uncontrollable urge to go shopping NOW


I can walk to a Super U in about 15mins on the flat so thought perhaps I might invest in one of those large bags or baskets on wheels that you use to see only old ladies pulling along. Would make carrying the heavier stuff like packs of water a whole lot easier if push comes to shove.


Why not look for alternatives to bottled water in plastic bottles (and save the planet)?
This topic explored options…

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Activated charcol takes out chlorine and chloramines so should cure that problem. Takes out quite a bit more that you wouldnt want in there.

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Need is the greatest inventor.

And sometimes it makes us think twice about those ‘normal’ habits :+1:

Sounds like a great idea - good for you :+1:

there’s a move afoot to stop folk filling jerrycans…

You can get nifty little carts that unfold, not seen one in real life but got an ad, it looked quite good (I was looking for the sort you can put 3 or 4 children in).

Our waterworks recommends you fill tap water into bottles and put them in the fridge for a few hours. That’s what the restaurants do too. It gets rid of the chlorine. Don’t ask me how!

Just popping out to plug the car in overnight…