GB News Goes Live Tonight (9pm in France)

Interesting podcast on the subject here:

Very true, unfortunately however there aren’t any news feeds/ channels rather are totally independent…even ones that try do have a biase towards the space they occupy…we all know the Guardian is well left of center for example even though it tries to be objective and balanced.
I recall that when Whittam Smith launched the Independent 30 ? years ago that was his aim…but whilst it survives albeit only digitally its alway been a minimal player in terms of readership.
People buy, read and listen to output that plays to what they want to hear!
…would a Fox or GB news ever gain traction in France or maybe there is one…though plenty of left wing media, more than in the UK I think?

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It is difficult to see many brands wanting to be associated with GB News.

Wetherspoons perhaps? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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That was the only one I could think of also - perhaps JCB, but not your normal TV advert!

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Tried watching it yesterday and just couldn’t cope with the appalling volume levels between the studio and anywhere else they went for an outside broadcast … I know its early days but i presume the technical folks are experienced and not doing a YTS scheme (showing my age there) :slight_smile:

It’s a hit with the advertisers - not.

IKEA pulled out as well apparently.

GB news, now with wall-to-wall Wetherspoons ads.

Are there any Fox or GB equivalents in France.

The only French news channels I can think of are BFM, C News (owned by Canal+), France24, FranceInfo and LCI (owned by TF1) but none of these fall into that category.

I don’t think it is. The Guardian is liberal not socialist. But in the UK there is a very skewed idea of what is left-wing.


Absolutely, Marijke. The saving grace of The Guardian is that because it has (within a broadly centrist gestalt) a commitment to impartiality, it does feature articles by a few voices outside the centre - to both the right (eg, Katy Balls) and the left.

Like the predominant centrists voices (Freedland, Behr, Toynbee, Jenkins, etc), Balls is also unfortunately locked in a self-referential Westminster bubble. Harris is really the only centrist outside this, but has in essence been writing the same article for the last decade (which George Orwell wrote anyway).

But thankfully the more left-ish writers - Monbiot, Chakrabortty, Malik, Younge - do offer real insight and robust analysis - it is only for the likes of them that I continue to read The Guardian most days - otherwise I get my news from France 24 and social media.

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The comedy is good too - Grace, Hyde, Bell, Notes & Queries, etc…

Urgh! Right-wing pro-brexit trash news. No thanks, I live in France. Andrew Neill in particular is very right-biased.

I thought I was right of centre until brexit and the descent of the UK into right-wing populism. Not yet nazism, but heading there.

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Sadly I agree.

Just a small thing though - could you fill in your name fully per the T&C, the management (@cat) is quite insistent normally :slight_smile:

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Yes please amend your user name to your full real name as per our T & C. Thanks!

I think most of us find it difficult to see when the media we favour is biased, whether that’s the Daily Mail readers many on here apparently despise - or the Guardian-reading BBC supporters, which seems to be the majority. But, just as the Telegraph/Spectator/Murdoch lot had its constant anti-EU anti-liberal position running through pretty much every article, the BBC has a similar set of assumptions (generally relating to gender, sexuality, the EU, religion).

The result is that you genuinely can’t understand why people think differently from you. Remember how Remainers felt after the UK voted for Brexit?

I confess I struggle with the DM - I always feel dirty after I’ve opened a copy - but I do think it’s important to keep up with what the other half is thinking, so I listen to LBC and BFMTV as well as the BBC and France tv/radio.


I’ve no problem with complying, but I’m damned if I can see where it is stated as a requirement. And I’m used to reading small print as a rule.

I don’t run the site so probably not the right person to mention this to but @cat does.

I have to say that I was sure the registration process made it clear but at present Bill might be right. I can’t quickly find it definitely stated in the site terms of service or privacy sections.

I will ask @james !