Heating with wood/oil- Aid link Working - update

Income less than €14,400 you could get €100-200
Income less than €27,500 you could get €50-100

Income as stated on your tax notice - the RFR on left hand side, revenu fiscal de référence

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I think the maximum for those using logs is €100, but one needs a receipt (and of course so much of that trade is cash in hand) whereas the €200 ceiling is for people burning granules.

the Link for claiming exceptional aid for WOOD heating… is open now…



Thanks, Stella

That all looks very straightforward. I wonder if my most recent bois de chauffage invoice from July 22 would satisfy the powers-that-be?

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We order our firewood in March for delivery in the usual window of June/July before the woodyard closes in August. Common practice in my opinion to stock up in the summer in readiness for the winter season.
At least you have an invoice rather than a cash delivery which will preclude many from claiming but of course you could say that those people have already received their discount.


I believe it mentions something like “a bill within the last 18 months” but don’t quote me… :wink:

Thanks Stella. I was so excited I must have read too fast and missed that bit - I’ll read it again more carefully…

Of course, I was reading so many versions/newspapers earlier this morning… can’t find the one that gives more details about bills.
BUT for those of you who DO have a bill… (albeit earlier this year) it will be fine. Just needs to prove that Bois for more than 50€ was purchased in Your name for Your address…

There’s no rush to Apply… the link is open until end Mar/April 2023 I believe…

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I will be interested to hear how anybody applying for the wood related ‘cheque’ gets on. I tried to apply repeatedly today, having a) a full recent invoice for wood pellets, b) an RFR for 2021, our arrival year, per the avis, that fits within the income criteria and c) the usual tax identification number…Each time the system bounced me, saying jointly either I hadn’t entered the name correctly as recognised by the disc, and/or I wasn’t within the RFR income bands. There are only so many ways you can enter my name and tax ID, so I’ve abandoned the campaign at least for today. I’m hoping that others have more luck than me, and that the system might be more kind to me in a few days if I retry…

@George1 gut feeling on this wait till 2nd week January then retry. Should actually work on 2nd but give a week for computer systems and those who push their buttons to catch up

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To claim for Wood:

Find your Avis for Declared Income for 2021 (Declared in 2022) then go to the link
and answer the question “have you moved home since 1st April 2022…”
then continue to answer the questions which come on the subsequent page…
As you answer them, they will turn Blue…

First enter the Numero Fiscal for the person named on the Wood Bill…
(Declarant 1 or 2 depending)
Then make sure you enter the prenoun and surname exactly as per the Avis
enter your mobile number and click on the Envelope…

You will then be told if you are eligible or not…

it’s so easy… give it a go…

(If eligible, you will have to scan and save your Wood Bill, so you can upload it when requested, during this application…)

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You need to enter the first and then the last name… exactly as shown on your Avis, with no variation… and make sure you use the correct Numero Fiscal for that name…
and as you only arrived in 2021 (or have I misunderstood?)… presumably when you made your Declaration in 2022 on 2021 income… you could only make the Declaration for part of the year…
Maybe this has caused a hiccup…
Impossible for us to know… but you and the French Impots will be aware of your situation.

@Stella thank you for this.

I’ve again attempted to enter both my name (lifted exactly from the Avis!), and my tax reference number. Yet again I unfortunately get the ‘computer says no’ type of response.

I will follow @KarenLot 's sensible advice above and try again in the new year. It’s not impossible that there is a bug (or two) in the system - I guess they’re not exactly unheard of, especially in new systems.If so they might be ironed out by the new year.

I’d still be interested to hear if anybody does succeed in getting through the process - and having their application approved. I haven’t yet got as far in the process of actually being asked to upload the scanned invoice.

I hope this does get sorted for you… as you say it might be a glitch.
although, I can’t see much of a difference between Oil and Wood applications.
Exactly the same questions and info required.
Once the name and the Numero Fiscal for that person are put into the machine… the identity and income is looked at automatically (it’s already in the computers) … and one is either considered eligible or one isn’t… and that response is swiftly given…


best of luck

For the record I just completed & submitted my application at 08.50 on 30/12/2022.

It was incredibly easy & straight forward.


Many thanks Stella. Received my cheque re fuel oil allowance for 100 euros. Than you so much. Just a little confused as to why they also issued a document for Gaz & also electricity bearing the same number (cheque number but no amount) to be given to your energy company ? Is there a choice of where to use it ? If so , it seems our electricity supplier may be better as future govt energy allowances would be automatically sent to them - no need to apply again for oil allowance ? Or have I read this wrong ?

check your paperwork that came with the cheque. It should explain what’s what.
Mine’s safely stashed and due to be used next week… towards an oil delivery payment.

Once I’ve used the cheque… I’ll report back on how it all went…

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The new website for submitting granule rebate claims became live this morning, but itemised till receipts are not considered sufficient proof of purchase, your name also needs to be on the receipt.

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Useful Reminder for those wishing to claim… that’s exactly what other heating forms… have required for those making a claim…

One’s Supplier should be prepared to issue an “officially acceptable” receipt which will show your name etc…
surely got to be worth asking them… (make sure to have identification/passport… just in case)

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