
What a beautiful picture you paint in words of her…I can just imagine…I’ve watched sparrows today dust bathing…,there was a book called “the poultry doctor”…written many years ago by a homeopath and still available and relevant for free download…I had a quick search for the dis-ease you suspected…I’ve never kept hens but am familiar with homeopathic nosodes…I found the nosodes for the rubric…“the syndrome” in Australia…but there is likely to be a closer outlet…x :slight_smile:

You’re very kind, Helen :smiley:, the hens touch my tender side and I enjoy doing ‘pen portraits’ of their doings and be-ings which, as most basse-cours keepers will agree is a never-ending source of pleasure and instruction.

I didn’t seek a veterinary diagnosis of Marek, it was rather by a process of elimination aided by my wife who is good at systematic inquiry. At first we thought she (pas l’épouse :roll_eyes:)-was egg-bound and tried all non-invasive methods to relieve her. Marks is reportedly fatal, but she survived for almost a month and seemed to be improving…

I will do a search too of homeopathic chicken welfare, together we shall find something I’m sure. Thanks again :kissing::blush:

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Andrew Wakefield…

yes, this is more than interesting Helen, it is really sad to see this organisatin compromised after all the good work they have done. I have relied on their work in my investigations into the subject of vaccines but can no longer believe them to be non partisan.

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On the face of it, there has been a concerted campaign to discredit Wakefield’s work, by discrediting his findings. Overkill, and his reputation trashed.

On the other hand the public health stakes were very high. Perhaps as the result of media misrepresentation of his research findings which were procedurally and properly tentative, in accordance with scholarly method, many parents were justifiably terrified of immunisation in all is forms. Panic led to the prospect of a wholesale rejection of immunisation as a public health good, with disproportionately disastrous results for human welfare worldwide.

Again, we see ideological battle lines being drawn on single-issue, black/white polarised and rigid opinions. I think a more nuanced approach is called for. I some times think that Western thought is far too much ordered by the left cerebral hemisphere, preoccupied by detail and linear relationships at the expense of the left hemisphere’s more diffuse, global and imaginative influence, which has been gradually suppressed by culture and education.

Birds’ brains are better organised (or less divided), which is why, perhaps, their evolution has spared them the downside of civilisation, language, and self destructive wars.

And it is why they can use one eye to look for and catch tiny insects, while the other eye looks heavenward and 360 degrees around, for changes in the environment suggesting danger.

Better that we had evolved with eyes besides our ears like chickens, perhaps. And crests and wattles to go with it :grin:

“too much ordered by the left cerebral hemisphere, preoccupied by detail and linear relationships at the expense of the left hemisphere’s more diffuse, global and imaginative influence”

Proofreading ! :grin:
Or are you testing who is right-brained and who is left-brained ?:wink:

Or harebrained​:joy::joy:


Well spotted Véronique, you have your cerebral hemispheres well meshed and firing on all cylinders, as is to be expected. It was a careless mistake on my part which will encourage me to proofread my content properly before clicking reply. And I should groom my feathers, and wipe my beak more thoroughly before pecking out my comment. :rooster:

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I also found this interesting too Geoff…not directly related but shows how “information” from mainstream resources is constantly manipulated…I long ago noticed missing citations in Wikipedia to do with homeopathy and vaccine research and natural alternatives…it now appears that we are justified in our suspicions…???

I thought everyone knew that Wikipedia is never to be taken as gospel…the full facts… no matter what the subject. That has always been quite clear.

IMO everything on Wikipedia needs to be taken with more than just a pinch of salt…:zipper_mouth_face:

I think wikipedia does have its place. I recall some time ago I tested it by inputing that my village in Aude was the world’s largest grower of coffee. It was duly stated in wiki and so I was reassured that the system ‘worked’. (I since removed the claim !).
Nowadays however I am convinced that there are massive teams of dissinformers (MI5, CIA, Mossad etc) including the major coorporations like Monsanto and Walmart who are constantly monitoring and modifying its content. I have not looked, but feel sure that wiki does not presently say very much about the recent slaughter of Palestinian’s in Gaza.

In the Wikipedia disclaimer… it advises that the content is only as good as the people who post it and the people who correct/alter it…:zipper_mouth_face:

We’re alerady chewing this over… Peter…

When I was a child in the 1930s and 1940s I reckon there were about 37 cases of measles in the three streets that made up our neighbourhood every year. Despite the war and severe rationing children were generally fit and healthy with robust immune systems, developed through the very high prevalence of breast-feeding, exposure to everyday dirt in the outdoors environment, and no exposure at all to the so-called germ-killing cocktails of sanitary products found in modern homes.

I know I come across as a crusty old fart sometimes, but I think there’s more than a grain of truth in my claim that the modern obsession with with “germ-free” living has a lot to answer for in increasing susceptibility to infections, and perhaps even cancer too.


I tend to agree, a bit of dirt… was part of life, playing in the streets or wherever…
and fruit and veg… came from the garden…no chemicals… just chicken manure…


Can go along with a lot of that, i.e. our World is too sterile, re ‘minor’ illnesses Pete.
Re cancer, no one mentioned it when I was a kid, people, ‘went into a decline’, never heard the word ‘cancer’.
‘A decline’, not heard that now, for donkeys years, I suspect, they were often refering to cancer, whether they knew it or not. :thinking:

As a kid about 9yr… I recall hearing about gangrene… a lady down the road, got a bad finger, lost it, then her hand went “mouldy” (?)… thankfully, we moved away before anything else… no idea what happened to her, but it was horrific to us kids… Mum would say “that’s what comes from biting your nails”… and we would shudder and sit on our hands…


By Gum, no messing with Your Mam Stella! :open_mouth: