I need help

Oh Margaret I am so sorry to hear this. Very very sad news.

Maybe get one of your friends to telephone the local social worker (assistant social) as he/she will be able to help you with the necessary paperwork etc. The Mairie will have the phone number.

I will be thinking of you.

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Margaret, I know of someone near Eymet - he’s part of the non-conformist church there and he’s happy to contact you and see and help if he can. Please let us know how you are. Separately, I’ve been in touch with a women’s network on Facebook (LIFT) and there are several offers of help and - from those who are too distant - messages of support, love and prayers for you. Please know that you’re not alone. Let me know if you want to follow up on any of these contacts. x


All condolences Margaret, I hope you get all the support and help you need.

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I think after the funeral I will need all the help I can get. Just cannot believe he is gone he was only 66 last month.

Probably when all the running about is over, I think it will hit me very hard?

At this moment if I am in contact with too many people it will make it very real and I dont want it to.

Mandy the problem is my friends dont speak french either.

Margaret, my sincere condolences to you at this awful time,

Thank you Dawn.


James and I are so very sorry to hear this. It must be an awful time for you. Reading through the posts I can see that you have had lots of offers and suggestions from other members but if there is anything practical we can do, please do not hesitate to ask.
With very best wishes,
Catharine and James xx

So sorry that you are going through this.
Are you in Miramont de Guyenne?
Not so far from me.
Do get in touch if you want to talk.

Thanks Barbara, yes I am in Miramont probaly after the funeral when things die down I will need to talk.

yes of course.

I cannot understand the pain you must be going through right now. I am so sorry for your loss. Please continue to post how you are coping and if there is something special you need help with I’m sure someone here could help.

Hello,I would be more than willing to contact the hospital for you and get as much info as they are willing to give me.I think they should give me enough to help you. All nurses and i imagine some of the doctors speak some english as it it a mandatory part of their training.Please don’t hesitate to contact me -my mobile number is:0656724343,kind regards,Penny

Thanks Penny,

My husband died yesterday.


Hello Maggie,it was with great sadness that I read your reply this morning,I know very well how it feels to lose a loved one.If there is anything I can do concerning phone-calls or paperwork please call me, I am here and will do my best to help you.My best regards,Penny

Hello Penny,

Thank you, how on earth did you cope, I do not think I ever will, my husband and I did everything together where one went the other on followed and we have only one couple who are truly friends;


Sincere condolences Maggie.

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