Insuring a British car in France - plus ANTS

You could read your way down this thread, link below… see what you think… :upside_down_face:

My understanding is that if theVIN (17digit number) is on the V5 then a COC is not needed.
However, if the vehicle is one that was never sold in France (an unusual variant for example) then perhaps a COC is necessary, and perhaps a visit to what used to be called ‘les mines’ for inspection. (now, like everything else in France it is called by some other obscure acronym but still often referred to as les mines)

Mmm… not heard that one, Geoff… doesn’t the VIN appear on all V5s ???

From the link which I posted… some say that Section K on the V5 is the important bit. The “Type Approval Number”… :upside_down_face:

It would be useful to know if anyone has put a newish car through Registration recently… :thinking:

I tried the section k route…came up against an attitude of “can’t do anything without the CoC”
A chap here has proved this to be wrong…he was also told that the centre of gravity on Land Rovers in France was different from other countries ; & that, that was why testing by DREAL was necessary.
A letter from LR confirmed this to be bollocks.

The old chestnut of the coc number (section K on the V5c) meaning that a separate certificate is not needed really needs to be put to bed.
After much research over the years I have a simple answer - what the authorities look for when they refer to “all the technical information” on the registration document is either the T.V.V. or CNIT number which should appear next to D.2. & D.2.1. on the registration document. TVV means type/variant/version…
As the UK does not use these numbers often DVLA do not put this on or put on just parts of the numbers. In recent years they have been getting better at this & later V5cs do seem to have the correct number. The only way to be sure is to compare it to the number on the coc - but if you already have the coc then it does not really matter!
Some of these numbers can be found here, but it is not a full list.
If you have a series of numbers/letters by D.2. it is worth sending in your application. If ANTS cannot recognise it they will ask for a coc document which you can then add to the dossier.

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But what if the “old chestnut” is being punted by the prefectures in some areas ?
Our local CT centre was visited by the pref. & told that all vehicles with a reference in section k conform…which is why, IMO so many folks have gone down this route.

I think that means that they can do the CT, I’ve always had to produce a CoC, both at the prefecture and online because D2 isn’t complete and the puissance fiscal is missing

Mmm… Surely, CT centres will still be checking lights front and back - even if section K is completed… :thinking: Lighting is certainly one area where a UK vehicle can fail… :zipper_mouth_face:

The requirements for a CT & those for registration are very different. Prefectures do not do either any more (beyond assisting those who do not have access to a computer).
Until the new regulations came in a CT station was required to see the coc number either on the registration document or on the coc itself before a test could be carried out. That is no longer necessary.
For registration it was the TVV or CNIT number that was required by the prefecture & now ANTS & because most applicants did not realise this it would lead to arguments at the guichet where the staff would still refuse to process an application despite the presence of the coc number. Sometimes it would be because the staff member had not noticed the TVV number, maybe because they were unfamiliar with the layout of the V5c, & on closer examination (brought on by an irate applicant) would recognise it & accept the document whereupon the smug applicant would assume it was because the staff member was using the coc number.
I do not understand why prefectures would punt the “old chestnut” as they have bugger all to do with CT procedure beyond licencing them.

It appears that certain / several CT centres were visited because of a rise in UK reg vehicles being tested in the region.
I’ve twice been told that my van was modern enough not to need a CoC…by two different test centres ; I don’t pretend to know anything on this subject, but I would hope, indeed, expect the various admin. to at least have some clue, somewhere.
The stories the Land Rover guy told me are surprising, &, at the same time, not.
Finally, I paid the 560 euros for the CoC, as by this time, my attitude was “fuck it!”
I now have to find another 80 for another CT, plus 440 for the CG…all this because every year my insurers tell me I MUST change the plates…but are still happy to take my money, regardless of changing them or not.
Pardon my cynicism, but they do take the piss ; & they make it up as they go along.

Not if you’ve changed the lights, already.

Of course, a vehicle shouldn’t fail if the lights have already been correctly changed/amended… :upside_down_face:

I’m just making the point that having a section K completed on the V5 does not necessarily mean the vehicle conforms… :thinking:

I’m confused here. Are you talking about two vehicles or just the Land Rover? If it’s two vehicles and the second one is still registered in the U.K. it will need to be registered in France. It’s not your insurance company that makes that decision it’s the law. Just because your insurance company has insured it on UK plates that doesn’t make everything legal. I was told that you can insure a foreign registered vehicle with a French company but only while you are going through the registration process. You, as a French resident, should do that within a month of importing it that should not mean needing to renew the insurance a year later with it still on UK plates.

No confusion Dan.
The LR bloke imported them from Holland.
At first, each time he went to the DREAL, there were problems…it was him that advised me to just buy the CoC, & not bother with having my van tested.
My van dates from 2002, & Mark has already advised me that it’s too old to have had the required E number.
My point is that someone (apart from Mark) should know exactly what is necessary…but, that doesn’t appear to be the case.
So, between the prefecture, 2 different CT centres, the DREAL, & an importer of Land Rovers, this is why after 10 years, I’ve just started the process of changing the plates.

And everything else you mentioned, I am well aware of.

There are a few people who will makes excuses as to why they have failed to comply with the requirements of the law. These people have continued to use a vehicle that fails to comply with french & indeed European regulations & as such could well fall foul of insurance requirements which, in the event of a serious accident, would have a considerable effect on any legal third party who might be involved.
There are lots of vehicles that do not have cocs for a variety of reasons but still get registered here, Some require an attestation from FFVE, the french representative of the manufacturer or DREAL. It involves doing a bit of work though, which it seems is something some are just too damned lazy to do, choosing instead to “take a chance” at the expense of legitimate road users.
I suspect that a sudden change of heart has a lot to do with the new enforcement by the french government of the one month rule for insurance cover for non french registered vehicles.
If a vehcle is too old to have a coc & too new to qualify for an FFVE attestation, then a DREAL inspection can be done. The application form can be found here -

I can confirm that DREAL does work… and is not rocket-science. :upside_down_face:

I’m not disputing anything that Mark has mentioned…but all of the above that I’ve posted has happened ; & as far as I’m aware, continues despite changes in laws, rules, obligations etc.

Sounds like there was something odd with the vehicles or the dossier, if the LR bloke had problems with DREAL.

I do know of one instance when a vehicle had been built in some country or another… whatever… somewhere on the planet, but not within the jurisdiction/controls of the EU and that vehicle was impossible to register through DREAL and had to go back to UK for resale… much to the annoyance of the owner.

It’s not really where the car is made that matters, it’s the market it’s specified for. I know someone who had a Mini Cooper in the States who wanted to ship it to France. The local dealer told him not to bother as it conformed to US standards not European ones and that registering it in France might not be as straightforward as he thought. I think that there have been problems with cars privately exported from Japan as although they seem identical to British RHD cars everything from their emissions, through their glass to their lights do not conform to European regs.