King Charles III

As we shan’t be watching how will we know when to pledge our allegiance, can we do it advance? :worried:

That article made me feel rather queasy. What rubbish: “May the king live forever”. Who writes this nonsense?

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FFS is my reaction to that article.

Last time I looked we were living in the 21st century & things have moved on (although by no means enough).


You can phone a friend, ask the audience or go 50/50.

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The whole idea of someone “ruling” the nation because of accident of birth is starting to make me puke.

Especially when the individual involved is so over privileged and out of touch.


Do you think that his reply to any criticism will be “Off with their heads”.

Orf with their heads, surely?


Because elected rulers are never self-seeking, dishonest, cruel, stupid or corrupt.





We ALL know it’s token ruling and he’s a symbol, however there’s so little for people to believe in with our rational, atheistic, republican society that I wonder if it might give some people a bit of hope. TBH I can’t imagine pledging allegiance either, but hey ho.

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Surely it should be the other way round…shouldn’t it?

Douglas Adams had it right.


I’m assuming that we, the UK British, are being invited to swear allegiance OUT LOUD at home, or maybe in a pub or some other venue. Will there be a cue when to stand up and be a chorus of millions?

There are those who will swear allegiance of course, but I can’t believe that many people in the UK will be doing any such thing!

I wonder whose idea it was to make, IMO, such an insane suggestion. Not sure if insane is the right word but that’s the word that came to mind.

Isn’t that an argument for a non-elected Head of State?


But I don’t think it’s an argument for a hereditary monarchy either.

Supposedly its all good for tourism although now the tories have blown that up with their tourist taxes.

I have long agreed with Adams on this, and it’s one of the reasons I think democracy a poor way to select a government. Please insert the appropriate Churchill quote for why we still use it. :slightly_smiling_face:


Do you flip from an hereditary monarchy to a republic on ideological grounds or do you simply make the monarchy less relevant and self funding?

Very much “supposedly”.

Keep the interesting buildings & sites for people to visit, as other republics do, but there’s no need for their occupants.

Not many tourists get to meet (or even catch site of) a member of “the firm”.


Not an easy question to answer perhaps. At one extreme you could argue that the family’s wealth is the nation’s (and others) ill gotten and inappropriately (mis)appropriated so they should be stripped of all power, lands, titles and assets, restored to the status of an ordinary family and left to their own devices.

I’m not *quite* that anti-monarchy (yet) but I think reform of the HoL (badly needed) should leave them with no role in governing the country. They can then quietly fade into the background.

Oh, and Charles can cough up for his inheritance tax.

Sorry not familiar with pretend accents.

See Harold isn’t hanging around after dad gets crowned if you believe the reports today.