Lot-et-Garonne CPAM cancelling category S1 Cartes Vitales 31/12/20. Other depts likely to follow

Sue, I have just received this from the UK Health Authorities.

Good Morning Mr and Mrs Williams,

I would like to thank you for letting us know the hardships many of our customers are facing in France.

We have passed your email to our local representatives in France who will take this up on your behalf.

Kind regards,


Registrations Officer

Overseas Healthcare Services

They can’t even get our name right, so don’t hold your breath!

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@Jane_Williamson Thanks for the update Jane. So frustrating! Breath currently not being held - still waiting for CPAM to respond. I’ll update more when I know the outcome.

My replacement S1 has just arrived :pray:
Sods law I will now find my original one :woman_shrugging:
The chap I spoke to at DWP did mention that CPAM may have kept the original.

Ours was updated by Melanie at the English Helpline for CPAM.
She is fully aware of things, but if you want to get yours updated, give her a ring.
I am hoping that this will be sorted out for everyone though.

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CPAM should have kept one original & stamped the other before sending it back to the UK.


That maybe why I can not find it :thinking::face_with_hand_over_mouth:
DWP did say I should not need it because I was in the system and everything was being processed.

I have just received this from the UK.

Good Morning Mr and Mrs Williamson,

Thank you again for your email, the following is direct from our Regional Health Advisors in France:

“We are aware that in France some UK state pensioners’ “attestation de droits” are now showing that their right to access healthcare will stop at 31/12/2020. We have raised this issue directly with the French authorities and they have assured us that a clarifying message would be sent to the CPAM network so that this error be rectified as quickly as possible.”

I do hope this helps and also shows that they are aware what is happening and looking to resolve the issues faced.

Kind regards,


Registrations Officer

Overseas Healthcare Services

Bridge House, 152 Pilgrim Street, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 6SN

That sounds promising, Jane. Fingers crossed they sort it soon - more uncertainties are not what we need at the moment!

I checked ameli this morning to see whether my attestation had good dates on it and it did (Manche). Hope it stays that way…

Lets hope it is getting through, but what a lot of unnecessary worry.

Absolutely! In many ways secure healthcare is the top of most people’s list…

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@Jane_Williamson Thanks Jane for your persistence. Here’s hoping.

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I have told the folks at NHS business that I would let them know if there continued to be a problem, so let us know and I can pass them on .

Latest excuse from Lot-et-Garonne. Unbelievable!

Nous avons mis a jour la date de fin de vos droits.
Conernant votre conjoint, il faut qu’il nous fournisse son formulaire S1
propre car le raoyuame Uni nous a informé de la clôture de ses droits en
tant que membre de famille au 03/11/2013.

I think I would get in touch with Lee at the NHS Business Services Authority in Newcastle.
He doesn’t give a telephone number on his e-mail, but it can’t be too difficult to find.
Good Luck.
It is just like those jobs where you think you have cracked it, but then you find something and you have to start again.

@Jane_Williamson Do you know Lee’s surname Jane?

No he hasn’t given it, but he is a Registrations Officer at Overseas Health Care Services and the e-mail address is:

OHSREGISTRATIONS1, Nhsbsa (NHS BUSINESS SERVICES AUTHORITY) [nhsbsa.ohsregistrations1@nhs.net]

Good luck,

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Hi I have been reading this thread but am unclear on a couple of points.

The S1 let’s any country in the EU claim back healthcare costs from the country where the patient has paid social security. So in the case of a Brit living in France who has paid National Insurance in UK and has an S1 France can claim healthcare costs from the UK and vice versa a retired Français who has paid social charges in France but is now living in UK medical care costs would be reclaimed from France.

Does this actually happen or is it just a reciprocal agreement that people are treated in their country of residence? Does money actually change countries for treatment?

I am a year off getting my S1 and we have been living in France for over 5 years, my wife has a UK private pension more than sufficient to cover the minimum earnings and also works as a ME, Micro Entrepreneur (earning about 3-4 k. I was her dependant when we first set up our CV,s but that changed earlier in the year (because the French Gov changed the system) the question I have is do we continue with the current system as she is going to continue as an ME or is it better for us to change to an S1. The only difference I can see will be that we will no longer be liable for French Social Charges on her pension and my UK state Pension.

As I understand it they used to charge/pay a per-head amount around 4k. However with improvements in IT apparently the countries can now charge real costs, so there is some form of annual budgetary exercise that reckons up everything.

Social charges on pensions is quite a bit! You need to do your sums about whether the cotisations on the ME are less or more…

Hi Jane

Thank you for that, it is very interesting. I have an autoimmune condition that France treats (successfully) with a very expensive blood product IVIG. I have spoken to a UK consultant who told me that in the UK I would be lucky to get more than one infusion of IVIG, about £5000 per treatment. Here in France I am on my second round of monthly treatments with eight months on the first round and four rounds so far a year later. If I went to an S1 all that would be billed back to the UK.

Yes I need to look at the advantages of an S1 I assume that when we do that we cease to pay the social charges on my wife’s pension as well as on my UK state pension. But if my wife continues as an ME she continues to pay the fix % social charges and tax on those earnings.

Best Regards


I too have an auto-immune condition which is treated with phenomenally expensive drugs that are restricted hugely in the UK (a truly medieval approach that you have to wait until your condition to “prove” you need them!). I feel absolutely no guilt at all about this. I have paid my dues in the UK, and this money comes from a different budget from day to day running costs for the NHS.

One other thing to throw into the mix is that these days it wouldn’t be possible to get into the French Health System with an ME turning over less than about 9k. It was realised that this does not give sustainable contributions to health so this loophole was closed last year. You could also consider that at the moment you are getting a lot from the French Health Service but only making small contributions. So if you want to do the best thing for your adopted country then the S1 route could reimburse them properly?