Macron + Covid Nov 2021 Pass Sanitaire

Very interesting news - now, anyone know what if you have had the 2 france vaccines and the pass - then have the booster in the UK?

Will the UK paper be accepted with the France 2 dose pass for over 65’s?
can the UK booster be added to the france pass?
will UK nhs passes / certs with boosters be accepted if over 65?
Are UK nhs passes accepted in any case? - they are to get in to France, so I’d presume are valid once in?
Or will the UK 2 dose pass / certificate only be valid for under 65?

Questions, questions…

There seems to be reciprocation between the UK and France for vaccine QR codes. When we came to France last month I was able to add our UK vaccination certificates to Tous Covid and generate the pass needed.

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Thanks - sense and sensibility seems in play!

Can’t see a way to put the french certs into the UK app (yet)!

I haven’t tried the UK pass app because it’s not needed for anything I do. My expectation is that the UK app will be able to scan barcodes like the French one.

You know not to go there, @larkswood12! :slight_smile:

Get all 3 in the same country. Otherwise you’re looking for manual intervention in the form of someone who will look and approve.

I know, I know Karen, but here we are at the mo and it’s still pay for a rip off covid test to get back into uk if commuting from france - and somewhat nervous working here ‘in the flesh’ without a top-up!

Of course, I could always get one UK and then another France lol! Highest protection level!

From December over-50’s can get their booster in France.

Still too young? :slight_smile:

Simplytestme is £12 for 2-day test. Apparently reliable enough.

If you’re weekly commuting Fri-Sun, say, you’d only need 1. PM me if not clear And I thought frontalier was exempt anyway?

Thanks for the heads up.

I’m not bothered about the reliability - just the cost! That is much better than the 48£ randox for october!

The same flow tests I can order in bulk from the NHS for free! - But don’t count if you’re coming from abroad - coz vampire hancock and the tory cronies want my blood!

There used to be an exemption for frontaliers, no more. Cost of doing business…

I presume they are HMRC tax deductable though! :slight_smile:

@Ancient_Mariner @KarenLot

So I just downloaded the nhs app and went to ‘get your covid pass’ - no scanning there!

on ‘help’ it has nothing about scanning. So my guess is it doesn’t scan france / ‘eu’ codes. It gets the vaccine info from the ‘central database’.

Backs up the idea that it needs to be (manually) done at the UK GP.

So, if one gets the France x2 certificates onto the NHS app, then scans that into the France App - does one get round the third vaccine requirement (not that one would want to, I’m just interested in control weaknesses / process errors…)

Presumably not IF over 65’s tout covid certificates produced from scans from the NHS app stop working 5 weeks after their 65th birthday!

I had made the assumption that the NHS app that could be used to generate a printed copy of the pass would not be the same as an app for showing at clubs - presumably I was wrong. There’s a fair chance that the QR code generated by the Tous Covid app will be recognised, but an equally fair one that it won’t. :stuck_out_tongue:

figures continue to rise… the interactive map is quite alarming.

According to my friends in the UK who’ve had a third jab, it isn’t currently recognised as part of the NHS covid pass - at least it didn’t seem to appear, although it must be registered somewhere. There was talk recently about how to recognise the booster - has that been resolved, does anyone know?

Thanks for the update, @stella. It’s still nowhere near the UK figures yet but it’s a worrying trend…

PS. Ouest-France being our local regional newspaper is excellent! We are very lucky to have such a thing still running…

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I’m pulling the figures from Ouest-France journal as my usual Sud Ouest doesn’t seem to be carrying the reports as frequently nowadays.

I read them both every day…
Much the same as folk in UK might read the Express and the Daily Mirror (please note I have no idea what those papers are actually like…)

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They should get vaccinated if they want protection. No one to blame but themselves if they don’t wear a mask too. Vaccination passes are all that are needed against this problem. When you get one you are safe - no need to worry, but of course many of you do worry. You should trust authority - they have never let us down in the past. Pfizer etc have all paid the fines levied because of the claims they made in the past. So they are now all aware of the danger. So they are 100% honest now and there is even confirmation that they are not liable should ANYTHING go wrong. Why would anyone risk losing their reputation by selling untested drugs?

I wonder if you have misunderstood me… mask-wearing protects others… thus I expressed the hope that the teacher wears a mask… to protect her class.

Mind you, everyone in close proximity (indoors or out)… should wear a mask, whether vaxed or not. It’s been good advice from the govt for so long now… but many folk still ignore it.

Check the world statistics and get things into perspective.

More deaths (this year alone) caused by “smoking” (whatever that is) than, by ‘conora’ (whatever that is), in its total history.
Corona 5 million in the last two years.
Cigarettes 5 million just this year.
Makes you understand why the government tells us the dangers of cigarettes on the radio every hour and why police search the streets for those suspected of smoking in public.

Which country are you referring to… ???