Monsanto reconvicted

The post or the remarks were deleted…
From what I understood, the original poster reposted, before I was barred.


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Death threats lol

I love Neil young as music as a shame he’s gone down the woo woo path …

I don’t fear for my future…I fear for the future of my grandchildren…and my potential great grandchildren…and all children all over the world…and I don’t feel the answers lie in more chemicals more gmos or for that matter more vaccines…

I don’t see how any of the above are actually solving our planet’s problems…???

Millions starving in Yemen…??? How are chemical pesticides/herbicides…gmo crops and enormously increased vaccine schedules helping them…??? How are any of the above increasing life expectancy in Gaza where 75% of the population are under 25 and the population is mostly children…???

Personally I feel that we shut down discussion and debate at our own peril…not having a go…just don’t have a blind faith in the rather broadly termed “science”…x :slight_smile:

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Sadly perhaps I don’t see a few corporations saving the world…unless of course, there’s money to be made.
In which case, who would be more cynical ; them or me ?

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Neither of us were there Jeremy.

We all know Helen’s opinions about vaccines etc we may not agree but we respect her right to those opinions and enjoy debates, without having to be borderline rude


What convinces you that you are, undoubtedly right in what you say &/or believe ?

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Another unpleasant and unnecessary comment on here today.

No need to be rude.


To be fair Jeremy that was a bit mean.

SFN is relatively unusual amongst Internet forums in that a wide variety of viewpoints are accommodated, largely without rancour - and it is a better place to discuss things because of the fact that ad hominem attacks are kept to a minimum.

I’ve met Helen and she is a genuinely kind and considerate human being - the fact that I haven’t exactly persuaded her that my rather conventional views are more valid than hers does not change that nor diminish the respect that I have for her point of view - but I’m still willing to try to convince her with logical argument.

However I am pretty sure that just calling her names will not win her over.

Nor anyone else.


Well said Paul. Far more eloquent than me. Thank you.


And me thanks
This forum is something of a rarity, in that we mostly tolerate and enjoy our differences without needing to be nasty to others



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In fairness, and from the viewpoint of accuracy, I believe the newspaper article referred to at the start of this discussion relates to a man who inhaled vapours from the herbicide marketed under the name of ‘Lasso’. The active ingredient in Lasso is Alachlor rather than Glyphosate.
The Material Safety Data Sheet in respect of Alachlor specifically states that the vapours or mist should not be inhaled. I therefore wonder whether M. Francois had read the MSDS before using the product as it would surely have been prudent to have done.
The use of Alachlor has been banned in the EU since 2006.

Incidentally, there is no known cause of Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. I know this because I asked when I was diagnosed as having it, and have also done a fair bit of research on the subject.
Yes, there have been cases of NHL occurring in people who are Glyphosate users, but there are also a lot of people who have NHL who have never been knowingly exposed to Glyphosate. A reasonable deduction is that some people who would have developed NHL anyway, may also happen to have been exposed to Glyphosate, but this certainly does not make the Glyphosate exposure the cause of their NHL.
There are around 30 different sub-types of NHL, and that is what is making the search for the cause of it such a difficult, and at present unanswered quest.


I totally agree.
The USA is a litigous country and I believe that the cases nvolved people who were using the herbicide in much greater quantities than the average gardner.
Farmers used it to clear ground of weeds before replanting and I have not heard of any cases going to court in UK.


You’ve been a forum member for many years. During that time, you will have seen that we do not always agree with the thoughts/posts of another… but, despite this, we manage to remain reasonably polite.

Last Sunday, my neighbours were too generous… and this was (perhaps) reflected in some of my posts… :upside_down_face:

I like to think that (perhaps) you had a similar experience yesterday… and, in the cold light of day, will subsequently either edit or delete your reply to @Helen6 .


I no longer wish to be a member of a forum that supports open promotion of something as despicable as anti-vax and then calls ME unreasonable.

Please delete my account.
Since I cannot find anything in settings.


What a surprise! Pick your toys and dummy up as you go

Why not try arguing against antivax in a reasonable way, rather than throwing all your toys out the pram…