Nick Handycock


On the other hand, if the choice is him or BloJo…

erased, more like :upside_down_face:

Next up… questions about Doris’ judgement in accepting his “apology”


Couldn’t have happened to a more false fake lieing sanctimonious hypocrite…glad he’s gone…


One down, quite a few to go.


All Doris does is denies and lies…

Wonder who will get nominated as health secretary now the hypocrite has gone…:thinking:

One thing for sure is whoever it turns out to be hasn’t been elected by the people…

Ultimately he was hoist by his own petard - he couldd not stay after making it clear last year that Neil Ferguson was right to resign after essentially the same transgression.

But to focus on breaking the social distancing rules is to miss the real reason that this is a scandal.


Yes, in many ways the bastard has got off lightly.


Javid is the replacement. Interesting as he was sacked for showing some moral fibre and standards, nascent and poorly formed but compared with the rest of them it is almost unique.


Javid left during a reshuffle over pressure from DomCum ISTR

Like Hancock he was pushed, unlike Hancock Johnson probably would have sacked him.

he jumped more like…
but at least Hancock can say he was hard at work…

I’d say the position was “do as we say in regard to your staff, if not then go or be sacked”.

He actually chose the honourable option.

But he’s still a loyal Tory at heart.

ISTR it was more to do with the level of control over his brief… Doris abd Cummings wanted to take back control from No 11 to No 10. The staffing issue predated that when an advisor was “frog marched” out of Downing Street without consulting Javid.
Doris isn’t the forgiving type - if he sacks someone, it’s not just for Christmas…

Off the top of my head, and with no proof whatsoever, I would say Cummins was the catalyst for Hancock’s downfall. Whoever leaked the images would, IMO, have been encouraged by Cummins earlier denunciation of the creep.

I have no idea what an investment banker can bring to the health roll, apart from pissing off Cummings.

One wonders what Johnson is reflecting on this evening,

Absolutely nothing, I just want to be lovvvved :nauseated_face:

You might be right.

Will he turn up the heat on Johnson next, I wonder :thinking:

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We live in hope :wink::face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Who knows what’s in the Cummings repertoire :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Meanwhile, how cringeworthy is this, even without the voiceover…