No more Ruby Murray

Why do you think the Daily Mail or right-wing meme factories or Boris Johnson invent all these little stories or graphics about ‘political correctness gone mad’?
Why would somebody want to make up stuff about ‘African slaves’ in relation to the pyramids?

They’re not interested in any real history - right-wing thinking always depends on a mythologised past - nor are they interested in the truth about anything else - but believe me, they are deadly serious.
The EU set up a website - Euromyths - that exposed all of the Johnsonian and ERG myth-making about European regulation as distortion. All of it! But it made little difference, because the made-up stuff - even while being shrugged off as a bit of a joke - got repeated and accepted by half the people.


The big problem here isn’t the blogger. Let’s face it, people have been saying daft and unsupportable things since time immemorial.

In times past, Tom, DIck or Harriet would make their silly utterances which would not travel further than their nearest neighbour. Thanks to the internet, they can now be heard more widely.

The UK’s popular press seems to thrive on spreading dissent so they seek out and promote extreme views eagerly, with the result that the general public becomes ever more inflamed. It’s a self-perpetuating circle, which will be around as long as the British people keep buying comics like the Mail, Sun, Express et alia.


And not just gravy, but curry sauce!

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I think you seriously missed the point - well, actually the non-point of the post (which I have now marked for deletion anyway as it causes you so much grief) associated with the folly of the PC brigade as set out by @Peter_Bird
I was in no way suggesting the veracity of the graphic indeed, no more than supporting the notion that “curry” is a racist term :roll_eyes:
I have found you can buy voltaren gel to help ease the pain of knee-jerk reaction :wink:


We have finally found a language that @vero doesn’t speak!


It’s good that you have deleted the post Graham - but odd that you see my closely-reasoned and evidenced posts as ‘knee-jerk’!

But here is the point: it’s ‘the folly of the PC brigade’ that is made up. There is no ‘PC brigade’ - indeed the whole idea of ‘political correctness’ only exists in the propaganda of right-wing idealogues and those poor souls that fall for it. Just like the Johnson-esque ‘straight bananas’ stories, when you actually look into the truth about all these stories of ‘political correctness gone mad’ it turns out there’s nothing to them.

If you want to see something really funny on the ‘curry’ question, by the way - remember this? …

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At last, someone who actually gets the idea.

The whole point is, you you believe the term ‘curry’ is rascist and does it conjour up dark visions of British Colonialism ?

For me the last thing I think about whilst scoffing à curry is The Siege of Lucknow. Just in the same way I don’t think about Nazism whilst sipping a refreshing Riesling.

Flippant, moi ? Maybe but there some wacky people out there who believe such inane drivel.

Just my opinion of course.


it’s not “good” at all. It suppresses freedom to express.

Absolute nonsense. It’s the same brigade who forced the removal of the so called “offensive” proper name of Guy Gibson’s dog which was an historical fact and had nothing to do with racism.

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But dishes change very much when they hit the shores of the US - ever tried some US ‘italian’ versions of food much enjoyed in Italy?
Curry is no exception. Been to an Indian restaurant in the Chicago surburbs- the waitress was Indian and assured us the food was NOT at all what her mother served at home.
OH came to NYC to visit me way back when on an Air India flight and had to insist on being served with Naan bread and lime pickle (automatically served to Indian passengers).

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It’s a bit like marmite… I love Lime Pickle and OH hates it… he insists I keep the lid on the jar (when I’m not digging in ) … :roll_eyes:

Does he get in a pickle about it @Stella

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But there aren’t Peter. In all probability nobody has ever considered what you think about while eating a curry. Everybody is no doubt just happy you enjoy it - oh, except of course some sad Mail propagandist trying to stir up ill feeling.

Thankfully there are lots of good historians researching the truth about slavery and colonialism. That’s a problem for those who only want to perpetuate racist and nationalist mythologies - but not for us, surely?

Also in the Indépendant so it must be true !

But they didn’t, did they Graham? The true story there was that some versions of the story chose to change or omit the dog’s name, most didn’t. Nobody was ‘forced’ to do anything in reality. Very typical of such stories.

in that case, why did the RAF replace the headstone on the dog’s grave at RAF Scampton omitting the “offensive” proper name?
That isn’t “fake” news too. is it? It’s also a matter of record.
It’s all a loony left plot to massage the truth perhaps…

So what exactly do you find objectionable in this Peter? It’s just pointing out (as others have done in this thread) that the word ‘curry’ is not very accurate from the point of view of real asian cuisine. You could perhaps make the case that this is pedantry - but why on earth make it ‘political’?

Can’t believe this brand is still on the shelves in France.
Sshhh….don’t tell the PC brigade……

Ask the RAF. They’re not generally known for being ‘loony left’!

I never saw the topic as political… some others have made it so though :roll_eyes:
I only see the topic as @Peter_Bird in his usually inimitable style innocently posting something that caught his eye - is he not entitled to do that without starting WWIII?

You don’t think your use of the term ‘loony left’ might be a tad ‘political’?
Or Peter’s opening words: ‘The PC brigade’?
My whole point is that it’s NOT really political - except in so far as the Daily Mail etc want to make politics out of it! Don’t fall for it!

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