
I’m afraid you are wrong. I know you won’t be convinced otherwise. The object of these sites is discussion and giving a viewpoint. Your opinion is really all you appear to be interested in. Your posts leave no room for discussion as to why and what for! It is your opinion and that’s it. A shame.

This raises the question is it possible to criticise what appears to be overly aggressive in the name of defence, and land grabbing by Israel without being anti-semitic?

My thoughts are nothing to do with religion but I find the aggression shown by Israel to have a destabilising effect in the region.

I don’t know of the validity of the following image, but if this is true I find this behaviour by a country very wrong indeed.



I hope that in editing your comment for brevity I have not distorted the meaning.

This is the petard upon which the Labour party and Corbyn was hoist though isn’t it? - whether he is actually anti-Semitic or not Corbyn was reluctant to endorse the stance that critique of Israel is inherently anti-Semitic. To be honest I have some sympathy here - one would not (I think) say that it is anti-Indian racism to criticize India’s government for its aggression towards Pakistan, nor anti-Arab to question Gaddafi’s or Saddam Hussein’s actions.

So, I am not at all clear that the state of Israel should be beyond any negative comment, and as far as Palestine goes they do not have a good record.


Ken, most of what you have just written is pure exaggeration IMO. Undoubtedly there is a problem in the Labour movement regarding anti-semitism and I believe this is linked to the party’s stance on the Israeli/Palestine, however this will not bring down JC.

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You could well be right. The issue may not bring down Corbyn I did only say ‘it could’. As for the ‘exaggeration’ I respect your view but don’t agree. It is probably the most important issue the party is facing at the moment. It is extremely toxic and I think they have completely misjudged the mood of the nation. That is why I think Corbyn could go.

I think you probably mean Peter Goble (and not noble) and I think you’ll probably find that Pete’s perspective is well respected here…

I’m still waiting for the definition of “Semite” and “anti-Semite” and personally I haven’t voted for any party since B-liar led us into a completely unnecessary “war”…

Yes I am passionate about calling out blatent war crimes…so what…,I’m a human being with a heart …I think that more than qualifies me to stand up for my fellow human beings wherever they are being slaughtered and oppressed…and the term “holocaust” can be applied to many events in “history”…


Hi Kenneth, I’ve sent you a PM in response to yours, as it seems best we reconcile our differences out of the ‘public view’, so as to better understand each other’s positions on antisemitism, and to whom the label might justifiably be applied.

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Those images are accurate Mat…Gaza is the tiny strip of land backing onto the sea to the left of the fourth image…

And who might be provoking and prolongong these accusations against Labour and Jeremy Corbyn? You either buy into the agenda like many or you have the courage of conviction.


I feel certain that Peter Goble is well respected. And I will apologise for misspelling his name, unforgivable. You have avoided, as is your entitlement to, stating whether you are an anti-Semite or indeed condemn the dreadful acts of racism carried out against ordinary Jews…

I agree totally that people who feel passionate about a subject should be able to pursue that passion with the utmost vigor. When though, the subject is as sensitive as this one my view is that you have to be prepared to clarify your position regarding anti-semitism You casually submit that the ‘Holocaust’ can be applied to many events in history. You also must be fully aware of the sensitivity surrounding the word and to whom it applies. That you dismiss it so casually is, in my view, hugely disrespectful to Jews in general.
I will pose this question to you direct. Are you an anti-Semite or not? A simple clarification can put this discussion to bed quickly.

Good morning,
I’m always prepared to discuss an issue and look forward to doings so with you. I’m afraid I have no idea about P.Ms which I take to be ‘Personal Messages’? If you could enlighten me I would be grateful.
I think I can say without fear of contradiction that we both feel the same about ant-semitism. To whom applies may be the sticking point! I have also, as Helen6 pointed out spelt your name with an N instead of a G. It wasn’t intentional and I apologise.

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You are asking a question so presumably don’t know the answer! Courage of conviction works both ways. Do you believe you know who is ‘buying into the agenda’?

JC is adored by a large chunk of Labour members but loathed by a similar number of Labour voters so there’s bound to be accusations from Corbynistas that the seemingly never ending ‘anti-semite’ jibe at him is all some great conspiracy to get him removed. IMO his lack of real leadership over the issue has caused the nonsense to continue far longer than it should have done.

Look to Mission with a Vision which takes young girls in Kenya in danger of FGM and gives them a safe place to live and an education.
They also try to reconcile them with their families if possible.

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I am trying to decipher what you are saying.
To clarify, do you see anything wrong with what Helen said?

Are you OK if a state, ANY state, is treating humans this way?

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Well in answer to your rather loaded question ken…the answer is obviously no…

Here’s an interesting viewpoint through the eyes of a former Israeli soldier…

“ *As Miko said on another occasion, “If opposing Israel is anti-Semitism then what do you call supporting a state that has been engaged in brutal ethnic cleansing for seven decades?”

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The msm want us to believe that Labour is anti Semitic, it fits their agenda. The Israeli state is terrified that Corbyn could one day be pm. Imagine a prime minister who supports Palestine.
There is much more going on than anti semitism and as some Jewish people have pointed out anti semitism has not been a problem in the UK for many years but the right wing press could result in a self fulfilling prophecy.
When I lived near London I had many Jewish friends, I don’t think that anti semitism was mentioned in the 11 years I lived there.
I remember reading somewhere that the Conservative party has more anti semitism but obviously the msm don’t want us to know that.


The answer is no, I don’t approve of terrorism in any form. It also applies to terrorist attacks by Palestinians on Israelis. I presume you also agree with that?

Kenneth, let’s discuss terrorism.

The black population of apartheid South Africa who rose up against the brutal oppression of their white-supremacist masters who denied them any title to recognised personhood, let alone democratic rights; and who sought through peaceful means including non-violent protest to be recognised as equal humans: they were also labelled terrorists by apartheid-apologists like Thatcher.

I have personal experience of apartheid South Africa, and its counterparts in former British colonies, the Rhodesias.

Do you agree with Thatcher’s definition of terrorism, as applied to those whom history has vinidicated as freedom-fighters, who had justice and righteousness on their side in a war against tyrrany, illegitimacy and an affront to human dignity on a massive scale? Was Thatcher right in calling Mandela a terrorist? (she did, often)

A straightforward ‘yes or no’ answer will put your position and this discussion quickly “to bed”.


Not a loaded question but a very direct one. ’ It is most pleasing to read that you say you are not anti-Semitic., i.e. showing hostility, prejudice or discrimination towards Jews. Opposing the Israeli state on certain matters isn’t necessarily anti-Semitic. No more than opposing the U.K on matters would be anti-Christian. However there is now a new concept of antisemitism that I won’t trouble you with but led to my asking you the question.
It took a while but now you have cleared up your position regarding Jews I can withdraw from the thread.