Soreze Mairie (81540) planning to cull our cats (am also posting this on Pet Resuce page)

Well I live in really really rural France where they all grew up together so if you pee off one person he or she will go crying to their buddies

I find it incredible that the police could call you like that and dish out veiled threats. I hope the meeting with the mayor goes well.


Let us know what happens with the Mayor asap Sarah!

Have just contacted a friend who works for the UK press. Will keep you posted.

Chin up! x

Well done Sarah, I know you won't give up, but to get this far you have achieved more than they bargained for!!

Unfortunately not possible.

What I discussed with our Association is to mount a second one if we discover that they are going to cull; for the time being the reaction has been so strong that decision has not been officially announced. The idea of meeting the mayor is to present him with our solutions and urge to take the humaine route

If a cull proceeds, in addition to petitioning, we have lined up teams of protestors, media (and I will follow up all media contacts on SFN and other forums) and groups of volunteers to work in teams day and night to 'deal' with the traps themselves (within the constraints of French law)

PETA are very busy I imagine - I had the same from 30million d'amis

Thanks for contacting the IHT! I don't think our mairie have ever come a Brit who has made so much noise and who is happy to march into their offices and face up to them....nicely of course

Gosh thank you! Would be very interesting to meet with journalists.

My initial reaction was to keep petitioning but when I say 'veiled' threats I realised just how precarious it could work at the local school could be threatened, my planning permissions could fall through and so forth

But please rest assured the petition can be reactivated (or changed if needs be). I have a copy with all signatures.

So I am going to wait for the mayors response - I will give him 48 hours

I have temporarily closed it as I fully understood the veiled threats but I made it clear that my petitioning would continue if I do not get a meeting with the mayor.

And yes I realised straight away that it was intimidation. My Dad was a senior diplomat so I know how politics works. Suffice to say that if I go quiet for a day or two it does not mean I am letting this go!

Not surprisingly when I spoke to the police and pointed out that a local resident had received a threatening call from the Ajointe Maire (who did not identify himself but we have proof the call was made from his phone), they said that no phone call was made, the Adjoint Maire has denied all accusations and they ares sticking by him. Oh and that the resident (a neighbour and friend who I know very well) who reported this call to myself and the assoc is barking mad and they don't pay attention to anything she says....

Sarah, you're a star. Superb news about the financial support and tattooing as well. That will also help any locals who couldn't afford to ID their animals. I can't believe the number of people phoning in. What an incredible response! I do hope that your meeting with the Maire himself goes well and that his anger subsides enough for him to be reasonable. Gosh, you're a great woman.

Bravo brave woman.

Hang on for a minute!!!!

I promised our local police that for the time being I will stop my petition

I have just got back from the Mairie........they may be willing to sit down and negotiate and for the time being no culling has started. The mayor was not there but I have asked that he call me asap. It is up to him to decide if he wants to meet, so am giving him a day or two to get back to me.

He is apparently furious and has said to his colleagues that I have badly damaged the reputation of his village on an international well, Mr Mayor, one reaps what one sows, non?

The assoc with whom I volunteer have advised me to sit tight for the moment

I have also had confirmation that the BB foundation are willing to finance everything and our local association will tattoo the cats under their name

Also worth noting that it they call in a fourrière it could be the SPA!

Anyhow the petition certainly shook them up - over 1000 signatures in 24 hours and their office jammed with calls of protest. They even had calls on the answer phone from people living in different time zones

If at any stage I need to continue my protest I will keep everyone informed

Let's see if M Le Maire has the decency to meet with his voting public...

START WRITING LETTERS EVERYBODY. Especially to the media. The bullies are afraid and now is NOT the time to go quiet. Here are some starter addresses. I'm sending lettres recommandées this afternoon. Who else is ready to write?

Fondation Brigitte Bardot

28, rue Vineuse

75116 Paris

Stéphane Lamart

B.P. 20036

94268 Fresnes

Fondation 30 Million d'Amis

75402 Paris Cedex 08

SPA France

5 av Stéphane Mallarmé

75017 Paris

Hoping you have somebody to go with you for moral support!

I am accompanying you in my thoughts…

Intimidation at its worst. Hope all goes well Sarah. You deserve a medal for what you're trying to do. Please let us know how you get on.


Just had call from local police....nothing specific but have been told to shut up or face the consequences

Off to town hall to demand meeting with mayor

Thanks for all the support - petition temp closed (over 1000 signatures in 24hours) and will keep you all updated

The phone call scared the pants off me but I hope that this makes people in power realise that they can not expect to undertake such actions without expecting a backlash

Wish me luck guys!!!!

Is the French version of the petition on the same link?

Hello Sarah

I've just logged on and found this discussion. As a passionate animal lover/protector and "Mum" to 3 rescued cats, I am shocked and sickened to my stomach. This fascist monster needs exposing and kicking out, together with all of his like-minded cronies. I too am appalled that the SPA would be involved in such a barbaric and ultimately ineffective "scheme". I always had the utmost admiration for them and couldn't imagine some of the things they must see and deal with as a matter of course, but this is contrary to everything they stand for – Sauver, Proteger, Aimer! I am at a complete loss to understand this and, as a donator to SPA, as well as other animal organisations, I am now beside myself thinking that I have unwittingly contributed funds towards this proposed horror. I thought this country was more civilised. This government needs to know that "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated" (Mahatma Gandhi).

I have signed the petition and be assured that I will share it with many animal-loving friends. You clearly have some amazing supporters and advice here. Please do let me know if I can help in any way at all.

I will keep watching. Thank you and all the very best to you and all who are fighting with you.


I not sure that finances are the main reason for the thousands abandoned Sarah. Unfortunately we live in a throw away society, and that, for some, includes animals!


I just signed the petition and sent the link to around 30 animal lovers in my Feline Friends email list (Hi Valerie, Hi Lynn), asking them to spread the word.

A French friend is proofing my letter to the mayor (CC: Brigitte Bardot, SPA France, Stéphane Lamart, 30 Million d'Amis). And I'll have a sample letter in French within 24 hours I can send to anyone who wants a template for writing.

Please give us the mayor's name, the deputy mayor's name and the contact at and address for your local SPA.

Grrrrr, not purrrr.

Great thank you!

Its because my head is spinning and am not paying enough attention

Have just spent the last half hour walking the streets with our hand written petition

Will do changes and thanks again