The Brexit fanatics are at the helm, but don’t despair - this is not over

You absolutely can address them @anon29800096 - it’s just that you don’t :wink:

:laughing::laughing: you missed my reply I very quickly edited.

That would be quite something!

The fact that Corbyn might win is scaring the hell out of me, might emigrate to Russia :laughing:

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Yes, imagine having to put up with a politician who tells the truth and sticks to his principles! Much better to rely on those who change with the wind, focus on little more than their careers and bow down before the wealthy.


I cannot believe that anybody would be unwilling to justify such a huge decision. It will not have been taken lightly so surely your reasons must be valid and worth hearing.

Wish I’d never said anything now.:slight_smile:


Corbyn tell the truth, an IRA sympathiser and apologist, rubs shoulders with Jihadists, wants to scrap trident, would never retaliate against an attack on Britain. you’re deluded.


David, I don’t have to justify my decision to anyone. My reasons are valid and it seems the majority of people in the UK who voted shared that same view. And no it wasn’t taken lightly … I read both leftwing and rightwing press, plus foreign papers on the subject before making a decision that I know will impact future generations. And I believe I made the right decision (as presumably you do). But I’m not prepared to debate all this again - life is too short and a decision has been taken. Let’s move along now shall we …


I’d expect no more from you. Your arguments come straight from the Express/Telegraph script. Which of Mrs May’s U turns are you most proud of? She isn’t even prepared to debate so how on Earth is she going to lead a team of negotiators through such a complex and important event as Brexit.

I made no decision, I didn’t have a vote. However after spending nearly all of my working life in Europe I cannot understand how anyone could believe that the UK would be better off on its own and no one yet has been able to explain how they think that is going to be remotely possible. That decision stopped two of my two children’s dreams and aspirations dead. Mind you, the one who is a lawyer is not going to be short of work in the forseeable future, for her Brexit has meant a booming future of a different (if negative) kind. I must go outside and see if my neighbour’s turkeys have made up their minds about Christmas yet.

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My new drone battery arrives tomorrow now I gotta find someone who can program the ECU fed up of these stupid EGR failure warnings that are not.

Seeing as the Guardian is so popular I thought I’d have a look…:grinning:.

I am quite happy to state why I voted Brexit…Basically, I did not want a bunch of unelected corrupt people making major decisions about me or the country of my birth.
A good read for the remainers is (or anyone else interested)
I believe the world is a big place and we sould not be confined to Europe. BTW,I voted against the common market too!!!


But it’s OK for elected, disingenuous and patently incompetent people to make those decisions. Fairy nuff.

Personally I’m hoping that the final decision on my future position in Europe is going to be in the hands of the EU negotiators and not in the hands of the strange and unstable one, because in spite of everything I still think they’re more likely to put human beings before economic expediency than she is.


Like these two?
Nick Timothy and Fiona Hill quit No 10 after election criticism


Who exactly is corrupt?

They were just advisers, they had no official capacity in parliament.

Lee… Thanks for the link…I was interested in finding out more, but loath to click on any of the links, as I am not sure it is a safe site. Do you know why the website is offered only in English and Romanian …

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