Totally perdu

You old cynic​:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

With knobs on, Dan, with knobs on :rofl::+1:

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Peter, please don’t start on the subject of Knobs …goodness knows where this will lead? :open_mouth: lol

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Ooo, you are awful, but I like you!! :joy:

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Richard Gilbert Emery, great comedian.

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Sorry Mandy… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Now if there was a Gerxit then that woud be a different bouilloire de poissons…

Madame Wood loves old knobs - Comme Ceci​:blush::blush::blush:
Do not open the attachment if you don’t like big knobs - you have been warned😨


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Hate to say this Dan :lying_face:
But I think you are confusing Knobs with Knockers! :rofl: ( door)

Ah! You mean like this Tracey

That is a good compromise…

rave from the grave…


We have to be careful Tracey - The ‘going off topic’ police are always loitering at the corner☺


It’s a huge knob/knocker, and not only has it stood up to a lot of handling, it still looks in good shape, more than a couple of fist-fulls of heavy knocking in it still, by the look of it.

Some might find that metallic blue-black colour a bit intimidating, but if it still gets people running down the hall panting with excited anticipation to greet the postman, it’s going to take some beating.

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Didn’t we have a separate, on its own, topic about knockers (and maybe knobs too) a little while ago?

Knobs are like a golden thread in every cordial social intercourse on SF, as I’m confident it can be agreed. Don’t let’s knock 'em.

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I didn’t know that was the name of that character. Only just caught the end of his career. Doesn’t age well does it?

*My edited insert for clarity’s sake…

Oh I don’t know about that, Mandy. I’m not on the side of revisionism, which is blaming earlier generations for not anticipating the unforeseeable future.

It’s not as if there aren’t many things the present generation considers squeaky clean and right-on that later generations will wring their hands in grief and sorrow about. Hindsight is a marvellously unenlightened thing, don’t you sometimes think? I do, and although I look back on much of my personal past with shame and remorse, there are some things I’m not ashamed of.

Laughing at Dick Emery’s humour is one such. He was/is a brilliant satirist of his era.

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I’m not suggesting there is anything inappropriate about the sketch or him. It feels very dated and I don’t particularly enjoy it. I guess we can’t all like the same thing. The world would be very boring if that were the case.


Much of the comedy from the 70’s and 80’s wouldn’t appeal today because the world has moved on but Dick Emery was one of the few from that era that some more recent comedians copy.

You’ve all just put me off my breakfast! Dick Emery made me retch at the time, and still does it seems. Awful, awful act.

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