Well, he’s surely sweating now. 😂

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extract from the above link:
“Besides the prince, Ms Giuffre has said she was sexually trafficked to former New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, former Senator George Mitchell, lawyer Alan Dershowitz, French modelling scout Jean Luc Brunel, and the billionaire Glenn Dubin, among others.”

Gosh - this couild pave the way for some quite destructive nervey times for many - think Pip getting up in the middle of the night to pee would be welcome, as I’m sure many not getting too much kip right now :scream:

I wonder if she will be going after a settlement from all of them :thinking::face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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It could be, but there again might not be - surely that’s the point of “anonymous” is it not.

Have you seen reports anywhere that she has given him money, see anonymous :laughing:

Boris must be thrilled. This has knocked him off the main headlines.

I think Andy must be one of the very few folks that have enjoyed the pandemic - since it all kicked off, the whole newsfeed went very quiet! Hopefully a sign now that we’re nearing the end of the pandemic :joy:

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Would it be sexist if I said, “What a tramp !” ?

I haven’t been paying attention. Was Ghislaine Maxwell convicted of procuring minors? And can trafficking be as bad as this? And that would be only the famous ones…?

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What a cluster fluck, she’s either been abused by all these rich, famous people, and if that is the case, it’s sad beyond belief, or is a manipulatrice of emense proportion, hmmm,
Show me the money :moneybag:

Ps, Andrew has a mole on his todger in the shape of Piers Morgan, for any of you who don’t believe I had under age sex with him, pffff, as if I would make up stuff :thinking:

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I have absolutely zero idea why you would even begin to think that victims of sexual abuse shouldn’t be believed and taken seriously.


See my previous comment.

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I bet you Andrew now has a lot of uniforms to sell off now, quick fire sale to help pay off his bills maybe :confused:

Ha ha. Having seen the list of his honorary military roles, it has struck me again how utterly ridiculous it is to award such titles to people who have done SFA other than to have been born into a certain family. Grr.

Am pleased to see the start of a campaign to remove the mention of York from his title too.


Wasn’t the ad for Yorkie bars “big, thick and rich”?

Indeed, incredible how they can bestow all those awards on someone that has really, quite literally, done nothing, except take advantage of his privilaged position. Really, makes such a mockery of such awards, and sadly devalues them for genuine award recipients. Crazy, but finally, looks like Andy could have a few airmiles he wont be using, at least not for any longhaul flights to the US!

At the very least, Andrew continued his friendship with a convicted paedophile - indeed, stayed at his home. ‘In order to bring an end to the friendship’. I’ve heard stronger excuses.

I wonder what she makes these days. I can’t say many would be interested. So she spent all the money and now comes back for more - best of luck to the next guy who falls into her next trap.

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Isn’t it great for the witches to have someone to hunt? Those who are well past it themselves muttering how terrible the world has become when someone else seems to have been enjoying themselves. Did anyone see the creature he married in the first place - that would drive any man out to look for just a squeak of sunlight after being with her for more than a week!