We're all Trussed up now :(

After 12 years of Tory disasters what would you suggest?

I would be delighted for you to list a few positives that I can consider - so long as you don’t take offence if they are discussed.


Why don’t you with your ideas list something positive?

Off you go. It’s always the same with critics just got nothing to put forward

Why don’t you have an idea then?

Hold on, I’m not a politician, why should I have a very well paid pack of dogs and bark myself. These people are paid to solve the problems, they are backed up a bunch of SPADS and the Civil Service and you want me to solve the issues :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


I would like to see a thorough change to voting in UK so the number of MPs per party reflects the way that the total number of people voted.

I would also reduce the total number of MPs to 100.

…over to you

(by the way it is out of shear frustration that comment on this shambles of a government in UK - previously I have voted for just about every party so I am not loyal to any one party - but this current lying corrupt lot take the biscuit)


the first true thing you have said - about yourself actually :grin:
You may have forgotten the mute button since you have been away from SF for so long… if you need help finding it, let me know.


You appear to be somewhat defensive or perhaps even supportive of our present government and you have not engaged in the debate other than to repeatedly tell us we are wrong to talk about UK politics, that you are “sick of it” and you demand that we come up with the solutions - without even asking to what, “everything” is a bit too big for one forum post.

The essential first step is to remove the Tories from power.


revolting post

I’m using that button right now.

Please slow down and take a deep breath. If you think people are bing unfair to the current government a longer post explaining why might be more useful.

I have work to do this afternoon, I’m going to set slow mode for a while.

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I’m not asking for you to be left or right, just to put up some answers about where we can go -and positives

Just pointing out to contributors to this topic that the topic has been slowed and that it isn’t closed, just people have to wait between posts for thinking time.
@cat @billybutcher


Candjg, may I ask how long you have lived in France?

Of course, since 1999 here

Vote Labour!



I’m not Trussed up at all. I’ve been back to Plague Island once since I moved to France and the SAS couldn’t drag me back there to live.


There are a lot of solutions out there if you look for them candjg. A good place to start is the New Economics Foundation - on the immediate issue of the energy crisis these are their proposals: