What are you cooking from scratch?

@graham Ebly is a staple of school canteens in France, very convenient - and it is good in salad as well - cook it and while it is still hot tip a mixture of soy sauce chopped spring onion, chopped celery, tiny bit of vinegar and oil on it, mix it up and eat when cold. You may need to adjust the seasoning once it is cold.

Edited to say obviously you can also make it with eg chopped up peppers (even better roasted a bit first) feta mint etc and olive oil and lemon juice dressing


Has anyone tried the local farmers and maraîchers? Vente à la ferme and even delivery still work.

you must be tapping my phone… had a call this morning to tell me that the local folk are still selling… I have to find out more details, but it sounds hopeful. I think we can organise a bulk delivery for a group of us… we did that recently with the local supermarket (although they only had limited stock)…

I twill be good to have fresh stuff… frozen is all very well … but…

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Such hostility! Relax! Why should anyone be having a go at anyone?

why indeed. @Stella is absolutely right but it seemed to me that you started something that you could not later control adequately :angel:

If you read what I wrote, all will become clear. That’s always a good idea: it stops you making a fool of yourself (sorry, I’m a bit old for emojis).

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righto… it’s day 30 of lockdown… and I am getting a little iffy… perhaps… but I am enjoying talking about food… glorious food… that we forumites are enjoying… and have no wish to talk about much else, really… not on this thread at least…

I cannot see hostility in anything I have posted… and am not having a go at anyone… just expressed my thoughts/opions/desires on how I would like to enjoy talking about food… which we forumites are cooking/enjoying…

all this has been written, while I am wearing a benign smile and feeling absolutely no hostility to anyone… and not having a go… at anyone… :slight_smile: :roll_eyes: :upside_down_face:

It’s made my day to realise that I am not too old for emojis…


Have you come to this thread just to be antagonistic? It was a lovely conversation before you arrived. If you want an argument there are plenty of other topics on here where that is happening.


Oi! you leave my @Stella alone!!
She’s amongst the nicest people I know on SF and she doesn’t have a bad word to say about anybody (including me and god knows I give her enough reason!!!).


What’s the relevance of your comment in this thread?

Mandy, I don’t post here often - I tend to read - and every time I do post, I remember why I don’t post on here very often: because there’s always someone like you or Graham who will say something hostile.

I appreciate we’re all struggling with the current situation. Let’s all try to think better of people, rather than worse. Graham can do it about Stella, as you can see: why not try to remain light-hearted?

Right, I have just scrolled up and seen the original comment and can see exactly why it was made.

So chill TF out people!!!

Right, I am now off to pop another cat on the BBQ :slight_smile:

Although if they bring any more headless mice in today that might yet happen…!!!

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Ignore that - I have worked it out ! :slight_smile:

I remember why I stopped posting as well (after just a few days here) and it was partly because of people who liked to stir things up a bit or spoil a pleasant thread. I’m tempted to say it was you who started the ridiculousness but I can’t be bothered to have a conversation with you.

And now, I’m off. Back into self-imposed exile.

Hurray, @cat - thanks! (Though I suppose with a nickname like that, it was easy for you!)

For the rest of us, and in an attempt to spread peace and love, I responded to Stella’s joke about recipes for kittens, making a link between cooking kittens and what some people eat in China; I was probably too oblique, because Stella didn’t immediately get the allusion … and then it all went sour!

Ah, I see. An ill-thought out joke rather than attempting to be nasty to Stella.

Sorry, I can’t help getting involved when people are apparently horrible to our Stella who is nothing but lovely and kind and helpful.

I guess we are all a bit frazzled with everything that is going on and are even frightening away the newbies. Oops! :open_mouth:

I guess we should get back to food on this thread!!


At least it wasn’t sweet and sour…

Boom boom

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Roast chicken and cauliflower cheese this evening and may be some cheeky roast potatoes even though it’s midweek.


Ok but…why say ‘Ill thought out” - comes across as a tad antagonistic? No?
You didn’t find it funny. I did.

I think you are right, we are all getting a bit frazzled so can I please make a plea - to EVERYONE - if you don’t like something, just scroll on by; if there is anything that is really awful @james and I can deal with it!


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Can you also please take on board my comment to Mandy below? Thanks!