What are you going to be doing on the 31st?

As I have said will be in bed

And during the day will be waiting for a french courier to pick up a package for the 4th time of trying

I have lived and owned my property for 14 years I pay my taxes to France but still consider myself English

Oh dearā€¦ is your address so far to findā€¦ ??? :thinking: :roll_eyes:

Yes we live in the far south 50k from Perpignan at 800metres had 15cm of snow Tuesday

Presumably because you are English. Iā€™ve come across people like you before; happy to take advantage of all the EU had to offer but are quite happy to deny those rights to others because you have belief that things were so much better in the past and can now become better in the future. Iā€™m sure you will remain as an immigrant in France once the dust settles. Iā€™m just going to look in my dictionary as Iā€™m sure thereā€™s a word for people like that.

How is the Citizenship application going Andrew?

Iā€™m waiting for un colis manquant too, lost in the mysterious coils of Colissimo, neither existent nor non-existent, tantalisingly not somewhere nor yet nowhere, not in the now, nor the recent past, but in the dreamed-of future, when it will manifest in all its 6G081757913 lovelinessā€¦:hugs:

:notes:"Jā€™attendraaaaaais, le jour et la nuit jā€™attendrais toujours, ton retour! Jā€™attendraaaaaais :notes:, car un oiseau, qui sā€™enfuit, vient chercher ju lā€™oubli, dans son nidā€¦:notes:le temps passe et court, en battant, tristement, dans mon coeur si lourd :frowning::notes:, et pourtant, jā€™attendrais, ton retoooooooooooour!!" :frowning::frowning::frowning::frowning::frowning::hugs::notes:

Well a good two years into the process (started september 2017, interview may 2018) and after being told on many occasions that itā€™s normal to have no news, I finally got an email last september to tell me that my dossier has been cleared by the imigration centre in Toulouse and gone to Nantes who deal with the rest. Iā€™ve also been told that the average time for the dossier to finish its course in Nantes is 6 months and not to bother them in the meantime, which I have but to no avail! So all being well I should have theings sorted before needing to jump through the new carte de sĆ©jour hoops, but time will tell and Iā€™m not counting my proverbial chickens and all that!

You coming back to Carmaux this year?

What has the eu got to offer?
I guess you are one of the brainwashed young

Our fathers died to protect you from becoming German.

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That is a bit rich - those who actually fought in the war that I have spoken to seem to appreciate the peace that has been in Europe since the end of WW2.

Leaving the EU puts us in a far weaker position.

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We are just giving him what he wants


Especially when they donā€™t get our army

image :rofl::rofl::rofl:


AHHā€¦ heā€™s rather cute, can I feed keep him? :rofl:

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You been to Norway then?

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. Where on Earth have you been hiding? I thought that sort of rubbish was only found on the front pages of the gutter press. Never mind, poor you if you canā€™t see beyond that totally ridiculous viewpoint. Your comments about the army would be equally funny if they didnā€™t reflect quite how badly informed you are.
I actually donā€™t believe that you or your posts are genuine. Iā€™d better get back to my dictionary to find the correct word, I believe it has something to do with goatsā€¦


But you are content with NATO? As a member we are obliged to help in the event a fellow member is threatened.

I donā€™t quite understand why a ā€œEU Armyā€ is a big issue - it seems to be rolled out as an ultimate threat.

You may have detected that you are unlikely to hear many similar opinions on this forum as surprisingly with many members here living in France the UK being in EU has obvious benefits. The UK leaving EU is going to be an absolute pain in the arse personally - but from just about every logical point of view will be bad for UK.

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I bought the exact same Troll on a football trip to Norway, gave it to the wife as a present but she refused to give it back when she left for good, wasnā€™t bothered that she went but really miss the Troll, he had such a happy face. :cry:


What benefits are you talking about?
The only thing I get is UK pay for my social cover.

There are no other benefits for me from Europe