Why we must support Brexit

Give up if you like. I am protesting at the fact that the UK government refuses to honour its commitments. Your final sentence clarifies your sentiments.

Fair play would enable me to be confident to allow me to continue my life that was given to me . After its dubious actions in falsifying statistics, demanding that the population starts to inform on each other, bribing MPs to support it, revoking peoples right to remain in the UK after 30 or 40 years of residence, lying about residence rights, it is evident that the UK government, supported by Parliament and a voting majority of the population, has no intention of honouring it’s commitments.

Go if you like but keep your promises, it will be hard enough for us who have already seen our pensions cut by 25% and can look forward to continuing mismanagement of the currency, ensuring that they are cut even further.

I don’t know about “that bloody difficult” woman. I’m beginning to think that bloody stupid woman.


Was it a democratic vote?

Was the Leave campaign honest?

Was the Remain campaign competant?

Were people voting on membership of the EU or whether to give the NHS extra money?

There is enough room for doubt regarding the referendum to stretch the claim that it was democratic.

Had it gone the other way Farage is on record as saying he would consider getting the UK out of the EU “unfinished business” and would continue to campaign to do so.

So, you have changed you mind because many who wanted to and voted to remain have stuck to their guns and feel that there are questions about the extent of interference in the vote. That seems a very odd stance to me.

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I have absolutely never mentioned that the EU should give more … where have I said that???


Why should anyone accept the so called democratic vote when ALL the economic and social forecasts show the harm that it will cause. In my opinion, thank God there are people who will stand up and voice their frustration.

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I am just so sick and tired of this playground/pantomime blame game. We need to accept that both sides are going to have to compromise if we are to achieve an end to this mess. Just ranting and continually laying all the blame at the UK’s feet is just not helping the situation. THIS is my only argument here … nothing else! I am not claiming one side is better than the other. I just don’t understand why I am not allowed to have that opinion without being jumped on?


But we don’t - to borrow a quote from the Financial Times

This is the EU stance and it is not unreasonable given that we are the ones who want to leave - they will act in their own self-interest to try to limit the fall out, a “no deal” Brexit will hurt the EU (just not as much as it will hurt us) but to fall for the “they must and will compromise - they need us more than we need them” line is to fall for one of the central fallacies of the Leave campaign.


The EU cannot compromise to accept the Chequers proposal. How difficult is that to understand. To do so would to destroy their basic principles and what right has Britain got to ask them to do that. If the country really doesn’t believe in those values leaving is the correct course to follow but leaving while asking if they can keep the nice, profitable bits that they’re used to by being part of the group is unbelievable especially as to do so would damage the other 27 countries. What do they expect?


Not only that - which is supremely important - the EU does not want leaving to look easy, nor without cost. Any number of countries (especially, say, Italy) have swung to an EU-sceptic stance - as far as the EU is concerned this is not just a battle for its principles, it is potentially a battle for its existence.

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Well there you go. The backlash because I dare to sing a different song. I dare to suggest that neither side is blameless in these negotiations. All of you are missing my point in that this is exactly what I am complaining about … the fact I am not being allowed to hold this view.


Personally I am quite happy for you to hold your views.

That does not mean that I won’t challenge them.


Sorry but I feel I must be speaking an alien language here. I am trying to say that we need movement on both sides - what have the EU proposed on this subject? Maybe I missed their proposals on this? All I’m trying to say is there needs to be balance and blaming only one side at the moment is not helping. Jeez am I not allowed to have that opinion. Are we a nation of bullies now?


That’s your view and you are entitled to that. Please allow me to have my view.


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Someone who challenges your opinion is not a bully. Please don’t bandy that accusation about. If you put your views on a public forum then you can expect them to be rebuffed/challenged. No one is bullying you, everyone has been polite and respectful.


Well put Mandy - I was just typing something along similar lines but you beat me to it.

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Go on, please, tell us what you expect the EU to do. They set out to allow Britain to leave with as little disruption as possible but Mrs May is making impossible demands. Your shallow view on the situation solves nothing.

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It’s not just my opinion, it’s a fact. Remember facts?

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Again I do not feel it was so black and white Jane. I know people that were ready to vote leave long before we were offered the opportunity to vote. What I am against is being bashed for daring to feel and say that there are arguments for both sides and no one side is completely blameless. That’s all I am trying to say but I feel I have somehow declared war! I just don’t like this bullying of anyone who dares to think differently.


As Mandy says you are not being bullied, you are joining a debate and other people are disagreeing with you.

To say “I must be allowed to have my own view” is fine but what you are saying here is “I must be allowed to state my own view and you are not allowed to disagree or it is bullying” - this is an attempt to stifle that other point of view and by a somewhat underhanded technique - not especially democratic.