Will your behaviour change from Monday 11/5/20?

Or as the late great Spike said… image


Where did he say that, intrigued!!

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I think Mike really meant that at his age it’s okay to poke fun at death.


has someone been at the cooking sherry again?

We have it on the highest authority that God created the heavens and the earth in six days and the seventh day he rested.
But they don’t tell us what happened after that. My guess is that ever since he has been bored out of his mind and like a naughty kid has occupied his time thinking up ever more horrible ways of breaking his toys. And if that isn’t a sick joke, I don’t know what is!


Many highly, internationally esteemed and even revered philosophers, poets, playwrights, authors, lyricists, humorists, composers, musicians, artists, actors, directors, producers and towering practitioners of the cinematic and televisual arts (I think I may have overlarded the issue, but you may get my general drift…) have put the same proposition before us, Mike, but your doing so succinctly and vividly has much merit.

Keep your pecker, and your blue-sky wizardry, up!

Pete :joy::muscle:

He referred to oldies viewing life as a sick joke to make it tolerable.
I feel sorry for him if he has so little to enjoy in his life.

Pourquoi vois-tu la paille qui est dans l’œil de ton frère, et n’aperçois-tu pas la poutre qui est dans ton œil ?

Ou comment peux-tu dire à ton frère : Frère, laisse-moi ôter la paille qui est dans ton œil, toi qui ne vois pas la poutre qui est dans le tien ?

6 Luc, 41-42. :disappointed_relieved:

And there I was thinking that I had joined an English speaking French Forum


Google is your friend…

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and there was I thinking Del Boy was back with us… au contraire, mange tout et pot pourri… :roll_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :hugs:


Almost party atmosphere in Leclerc just now. Much busier than it has been since the lockdown and probably busier than a normal Monday afternoon. Kids running round, whole families out. One or two groups where everyone from granddad to toddler in trolley wearing masks, but still more than 50% not doing so.
Few tills open and no speedy checkout, so the queues trailed back to between the shelving. In my queue eight people, three masks (one of those mine). Having read Joyce’s article I take some comfort from the thought that shopping tends to be a lower risk activity. I will, however, return to only going at lunchtime.
Hairdresser in Leclerc open - all staff AND customers wearing masks - the customers mainly men. I’m guessing anyone arriving without a mask is given one. Good! I think OH will be there tomorrow.
Centrakor, Action and Briconaute’s car parks all busy. I will continue to avoid them as much as possible.
OH took sit-on mower to be serviced and the guy is busy - looks as if he’s been working throughout the lockdown. Système D perhaps?

Life is great at 83, but as my dear wife likes to point out, it will probably end badly! And however much we try to kid ourselves, looking around, that seems to be true for the majority.
I feel so good, I wonder if I can survive another 17 years and do something heroic for charity!
But don’t be surprised if I just disappear from this forum and never trouble you again.

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Another story from the great Bernard Miles.
An old couple in the village were always bickering and never lost an opportunity to say something hurtful to one another.
One day she asked him, “Where do you want to be buried when you’re gone?” and he replied,
“On top of you, my Love!”

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My OH is forbidden to die before I do…

I’ve told him many a time, when he’s almost scared me to death…

“don’t you dare die… I’m living to 100 and I’ll kill you if you die before me…”

thankfully he scared of me… just enough … to stay alive :hugs:


Following on from what I said the other day the OH has always told me ‘divorce is not an option’.

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Maybe too sad and profound for a jokey conversation, but I shall never forget an Auschwitz survivor saying, “When you have been in a place like that, you can no longer believe in the existence of God.”
Then he added, “But if He does exist, who needs him?”


Well, yes it is, but not entirely or to the exclusion of French, though, as there have been occasional French language threads where we can (some of us) struggle to make ourselves understood sans Google or Deepl, and sometimes a few words in the national language can seem appropriate. There are fluent French-speakers here, including French Nationals for whom French is their first language, and they sometimes supply a welcome corrective, and encouragement too.

It seems only courteous to use French occasionally, as I and others do, out of respect for our hosts, for those of us who are in process of fitting in. I hope it doesn’t alienate readers. It isn’t ‘showing off’, although a bit of that may occasionally emerge, but it’s part of the reward of learning a wonderfully beautiful tongue.

I occasionally refer to my Sainte Bible, which is a tremendously helpful learning aid, as it has been variously for centuries past for others worldwide, in all sorts of ways, not just ecclesiastical :pray::wink:

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To be honest Peter in the middle of an English language thread it does come across as showing off.

Wie wärs mit Deutsch ?

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