May 3, 2020, 2:06pm
Hi Andy, I have seen lots of threads on here about filling in tax declarations. Here are just a few and there are others, you just need to search.
Good luck
Izzy x
Hopefully someone can assist with this issue. We sat down to complete our French Tax returns this afternoon. No issue with the 2047k Revenus de source entrangère, no issue with the 2042 ck pro but something is amiss with the 2042k. We went to put in our UK Government pensions, which according to the guidance notes is entered, as we have the last 9 years, in box 8tk. But there is no box 8tk! So I read over the guidance notes for both the 2047 and 2042 again and it definitely says enter this total in box 8tk. Has anyone else come across this?
I’m trying to fill in tax form 2047 online. I’ve given details of pensions received from the UK - no problem. I’ve filled in the details of the gross interest received from the UK putting the total amount in box 2TR but when I try to proceed I get a message which says ”Veuillez renseigner le montant net encaissé selon le pays d’origne de vos revenus.” (Please fill in the net amount collected according to the country of origin of your income.). I’m at a loss understanding what other box I need to fill in. I’ve looked at the “How to declare your tax online” guide, which was posted earlier, but to no avail. All suggestions welcomed. Many thanks.
I’m about to declare on line for the first time. how simple is it ? Are the same boxes on line as on the paper version ? I normally fill in 2047 and 2042. Are these the same on line ?